- 08:27 great to wake up and watch the sun rise over the vineyard outside my window. beautiful day in Sonoma
- 08:49 at day 2 of #ocs08 listening to quick pitches and watching a certain someone struggle to eat his breakfast (you know who you are)
- 09:25 happy the Sharks won so handily last night. Good to be undefeated this season!
- 09:52 Rohit Bhargava and Alex Kaplinsky talking about Boundaries: How to navigate a web of falling walls #ocs08
- 09:53 Rohit: demos the project "Voices of the Olympic Games" where 100 Olympians who didn't blog prior to games were shown how to blog #ocs08
- 09:55 Rohit: site Aggregates multiple publishing tools: blog, tweets, flickr, etc in one place. is this what we should be doing more of? #ocs08
- 09:56 Alex: don't live within your community, enlarge your community by leveraging others' existing communities (see: TiVo FB app) #ocs08
- 09:57 @cwolz wish you were here at #ocs08, glad will see you in a couple weeks anyway
- 09:59 Alex: if the wider social web is eating into your market, find it and leverage it rather than fight it. (see: Flickr FB printing app) #ocs08
- 10:08 it's awfully hard to live-tweet a conf when the wifi is unstable :(
- 10:11 lively discussion re: aggregating content from disparate communities and whether it works or not for hosts and for users #ocs08
- 10:13 Questions around what are incentives to "sharing" content across multiple properties? #ocs08
- 10:14 discussion of the (failed) Yahoo aggregation of Wii themed content - just did a tag crawl and commty rebelled #ocs08
- 10:17 wisdom from @astrout saying: give them a compelling reason to come back, but don't get in their way of using other sites/tools. #ocs08
- 10:18 the notion that you "own a user is dead. #ocs08
- 10:19 think "curation" of good content, not just "aggregation" and editor is a curator #ocs08
- 10:23 Rohit recommends RadianSix as a tool to monitor usage of aggregated content #ocs08
- 10:43 discussing whether you default walls up or down in creating a commty. caveat: even when want them down, Telecoms may overrule #ocs08
- 10:53 @lpetrides I'm a big fan of aggregation as a way to enable better curators to emerge within the community. glad tide is turning #ocs08
- 10:57 Rohit: volume is not, nor should it be, the metric we should be paying attention to re: community engagement #ocs08
- 11:36 sitting in the community metrics breakout, led by Joe Cothrel, going around the group finding out why folks are in the breakout #ocs08
- 11:39 metrics: interests in ROI, value measurement, automated analytics tools, what folks are measuring, actionable data, trends #ocs08
- 11:45 @astrout you've been making me consider repositioning the handle as I(nfo)T(ech)'s thomas not "it's thomas, not tom" happy accidents #ocs08
- 11:45 metrics: interests in health index, engagement index, how use metrics to sell concept to sr mgmt, what's being measured and why #ocs08
- 11:46 metrics: interests in how do metrics set a story. without the story, the numbers are worthless. biz doesn't function without numbers #ocs08
- 11:50 metrics: interests in quantifying the qualitative (is it possible?) #ocs08
- 11:51 metrics: health metrics answers: is this commty growing? is there user value? how much valuable interaction is going on? #ocs08
- 11:53 metrics: operational metrics are the things we commty mgr folks care about but pure business folks don't necessarily understand #ocs08
- 11:57 metrics: trending metrics tell which direction are we going? diagnostic metrics tell what should I do next? #ocs08
- 11:58 metrics: what could replace "page views" as the metric of first resort as the grossest metric of massive use? #ocs08
- 12:00 metrics: replacement for page view? "gross action by user" and that's gross as in count, not gross as in ewww #ocs08
- 12:04 metrics: collins (MS) stated up front: get ready for page views to go down, as we're getting into a targeted group, so riffraff gone #ocs08
- 12:07 metrics: must be clear up front what you're tracking and why (so they'll not panic when certain long-loved metrics go down) #ocs08
- 12:07 metrics: Remember when we use to measure "hits" to our sites? how did we flip to measuring page views (monetization)? lessons there? #ocs08
- 12:09 metrics: what's the property we'll monetize in communities? (banner ads sure aren't effective). FB leading the (fumbling) way on this #ocs08
- 12:10 metrics: as the Tail gets longer, the definition of Scale changes. 200 really engaged folks more valuable than 20,000 passive folks #ocs08
- 12:11 @davekim your avatar looks so familiar. feel like we showed up to the party wearing the same outfit
- 12:13 metrics: counting memberships: if have a low barrier to entry but a high barrier to stay, clear out those inactives for a true count #ocs08
- 12:16 @jfinlayson: I think passive community = traditional audience and is a diff beast entirely(shouldn't we segment them out?) #ocs08
- 12:17 metrics: do you put a dollar value on community? how do you get to dollars? build the model, then track all actions to that model #ocs08
- 12:19 metrics: look for pattern of behaviors and track those behaviors to know where $ is made off specific patterns. lots of data, but = $ #ocs08
- 12:20 metrics: when calculating ROI for community, look at indirect effects, not just direct effects. move the transitive value along chain #ocs08
- 12:21 metrics: ROI models focus on participants? wrong tack. It's the consumers of participant's content that generate revs #ocs08
- 12:22 metrics: having SOME numbers is better than no numbers (can at least debate the number) #ocs08
- 12:23 metrics: advice: whenever presenting numbers, also present quotes from the members alongside #ocs08
- 12:28 metrics: quality = health metrics. when Companies ask "what do our customers care about?" give the customers the tools to tell them #ocs08
- 12:29 metrics: Mzinga does commty audit: numbers, what they mean, subjective tone as reported by those active in managing commty #ocs08
- 12:32 metrics: thinking of surveys: do a big deep survey infrequently, or light surveys more often? depends on desire for trending data #ocs08
- 12:36 metrics: notes there's a dearth of good community experience design consultants, it's hard enough to find good web UI designers #ocs08
- 15:06 wifi down again at #ocs08. grrr
- 15:13 Tana: 3 Billion mobile subscribers, and the mobile device is the most social, personal and intelligent device we'll ever own #ocs08
- 15:14 Tana: What are some goals of mobile strategies? myriad: alerts, read-only, content creation, ambient awareness, real-world meetups #ocs08
- 15:15 Tana: it's about coverage v fidelity, can't do all of it all at once. #ocs08
- 15:16 Tana: Things are getting easier: Open platforms and carrier independence. Mobile web improvements. Consumer awareness. #ocs08
- 15:18 Perey: reiterates: the platforms are different between PC and mobile and the businesses are very different between PC and mobile. #ocs08
- 15:20 Perey: Mobile v PC: diff screens, diff network providers, diff inputs, diff socioeconomic strata (all v some) #ocs08
- 15:21 Perey: mobile interfaces and UX: list-centric, social media centric, map/location-centric, time/temporal-centric, avatars #ocs08
- 15:23 Perey: mobile Ux (cont) greater use of voice (no spell-chek needed!), greater use of GPS and camera #ocs08
- 15:26 Perey: the future: stronger emphasis on the user's context and content. #ocs08
- 15:27 Perey: the future is in anticipatory services: where will you be going, what will you want to find. #ocs08
- 15:28 Perey: the future is in immersive, blended realities powered by mobile in embedded visual displays (crowd applause) #ocs08
- 15:29 Perey: biz models: social shopping (share experience, save money/time, high emphasis on finding/comparing, transactions) #ocs08
- 15:30 Perey: mobile biz models: virtual goods and product placement, integration of place where people and things meet #ocs08
- 15:34 Tana: your phone address book is a (potential) mobile social network #ocs08
- 15:38 @jesca your hair looks great! (you need to smile more)
- 15:59 thus concludes the content portion of Online Community Summit. thanks all for tweeting this gathering with me! #ocs08
- 17:32 rolling the dice and driving home thru SF now. hope rush hour traffic is kind
- 18:37 wow, just filled up with premium gas at $3.69 a gallon in Larkspur. full tank only cost $50
- 20:53 made it home to Redwood City in good time, including a stop north of the GG bridge for some photos at sunset. Got to kiss my girls goodnight
- 20:54 @neddotcom welcome to CA, and look forward to seeing you at #barcampafrica tomorrow!
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