Thursday, March 12, 2009

tweets o' the day

  • 06:59 if you're in Pacific Time zone: don't miss the moonset this morning, it's awesome
  • 09:37 wtg @berkmancenter MediaCloud! MC tracks news content comprehensively w/ free, open, and flexible research tools
  • 11:21 RT @activenetwork: How to kill your 10K PR: Focus on getting faster
  • 11:23 @sarahkay great pix, glad you got to see the moon this am, too!
  • 16:11 eyes crossing from all this spreadsheet data sorting and de-duping and prepping. the migration should go smoothly, tho
  • 17:06 RT @robhayes Portland entrepreneurs! Good folks at @neddotcom are trying to get you $250K for your company. Show up!
  • 17:18 So, what kind of blog gets greater ad clicks: one with high % new visitors or one with high % repeats? intuition: newbies. (researching)
  • 22:16 cool: you can build your own nutrition bar & slap your own name on it. get a case of 'em delivered to your door.
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