Tuesday, August 12, 2008

2009 Ferrari California flickr find

Ferrari California top down
Originally uploaded by thomas pix
While out on the town to celebrate our anniversary last month, my wife and I happened upon a photo shoot for the new 2009 Ferrari California while grabbing a drink at Vesuvio's in the North Beach section of San Francisco.

Since I had my camera with me, I decided to take my own pics of the action as best I could in the low light and without a tripod.

As always, I uploaded the pics to my Flickr stream, and went about my day-to-days.

Wouldn't you know it, but a few weeks after the upload, my car-crazy brother (crazy in a good way) points out my Ferrari picture set is featured on the front page of both Carscoop and Jalopnik blogs this week!

Great to be a part of the social media stream, and to have contributed to a couple communities I've only lurked in for a long while now.

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