Thursday, November 19, 2009

tweets o' the day

  • 09:54 @NMChristoban yeah, I remember how rough those NM soccer players could be. oh wait, that was me!
  • 13:10 Why it matters that @Pierre Omidyar is doing a news startup
  • 13:43 RT @kegill: .@linkedin has 50M members in 200 countries; half is non-US
  • 13:49 UG content at its best: love the comments on this product 'Laptop Steering Wheel Desk' by Wheelmate
  • 14:06 RT @jeanlucr Don't lose your Twitter account with your job
  • 15:37 already I'm enjoying the benefits of the new RT feature... have discovered a half dozen new people worth following via their RTs
  • 16:26 Debunking 11 Myths Of Owning A Small Business |Forbes|
  • 21:31 Great to see @cbracy tonight at @zittrain's "Mind For Sale" talk (lots of brain candy). @berkmancenter rocks
  • 22:01 hoping @ginx turns the keys to its URL shortener over to before unplugging at end of year.
  • 22:29 @mgibsonsf glad you got some FiveFingers! Look forward to comparing experiences.
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