Thursday, June 03, 2010

tweets o' the day

  • 07:02 I'm sick to death of the mud-slinging political ads (Meg v Steve, Chris v Kamala, etc). Can't wait for the primary to be over already.
  • 09:08 Dear Bank: if you can't get the time of day correct on your building's external clock, why should I trust you with my money?
  • 10:38 RT @GlobalGiving: Want to help people in #Guatemala affected by #TropicalStorm #Agatha? Here's (via @mashenka)
  • 12:17 Searched my hard drive for doc w call notes only to find I'd written them longhand on a legal pad. Doh! isn't there an app for that?
  • 13:56 #ATT 2Gb data cap? Just looked at my historical ATT data usage and I see I've never gone above 1.3Gb in a month. whew
  • 14:53 via @sdkstl: @stevecase offers a little context for AOL turning 25: Mark Zuckerberg was 1. #D8
  • 18:34 Bruised my sesamoids (bones in th e big toe) on a run at Sawyer Camp Trail today wearing my #VFF Bikilas. Back to regular shoes to heal.
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