Friday, December 12, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 05:34 The moon looks amazing as it sets over the hills here in Redwood City
  • 08:54 about to leave for work, but watching my daughter dance around the room as we listen to this tune before I go:
  • 09:31 RT @zmeureanu Runner & Triathlon geeks: check out @runkeeper, super simple & effective iPhone app to map and measure workouts. LOVED IT!
  • 09:57 RT @sean505 iPhone copy and paste coming tomorrow -> @pastebud View demo:
  • 10:08 heh, I know where I am in this list of people to unfollow: guilty as charged (thanks for staying with me anyway)
  • 10:19 @BenBins include CF twitter name on signage for easy cell-phone followings. Have CF followers re-tweet links to sign-up pages, etc.
  • 10:41 Want to join a natl movement to implement real change in our nation's food, agri and enviro policies? See FB group:
  • 14:20 RT @lancearmstrong Anti-doping control. 9th one. [me: insane he has to do this, but he has to do this]
  • 14:26 Nice article on using social network analysis to field a winning soccer team at UMaryland:
  • 14:51 @Elite_Racing my favorite time of day to run is pre-dawn to dawn, watching a beautiful sunrise and getting it done early!
  • 16:13 several times today have been reminded why I do so enjoy my coworkers and love the place I work
  • 17:41 dear Google Reader team: I'm having a hard time using your product because my eyeballs fry from your new stark white background. Tint pls?
  • 20:44 @LizMair thanks for the trifle recipe! #lizstrifle
  • 20:48 Christmas tree is up, and the girls are beside themselves with xmas spirit (bedtime was bit of a hassle). Reminder: who's making a list? zzz
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