Wednesday, April 08, 2009

tweets o' the day

  • 09:18 congrats @soreng on the release of your book, Wisdom 2.0, today! Looking forward to curling up with it this weekend.
  • 10:36 One of my Yosemite photos made it into the slideshow on the Santa Clara University home page (see: Ideal Location)
  • 10:59 wow, new UX for Gmail on the iPhone. me likey
  • 11:11 RT @mstrand: Bush paid me 25k tax incentive to buy my Toyota Sequoia in 2005, now Obama wants me to sell it for... -
  • 11:30 I like Socialtext's collaborativeness metric (unique contributors as a % of unique visitors). Wondering what the norm/avg is for others
  • 13:33 which would you prefer? "hey, link to me and then I'll link to you" or "I linked to you, would you mind returning the favor?" yeah, me too.
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