Saturday, May 29, 2010

tweets o' the day

  • 10:34 In the last day, I've spent 6 hours on Skype talking with people in 4 different time zones. Love it!
  • 11:14 So glad I went last week! RT @YosemiteNPS Glacier Point and Mariposa Grove Roads closed today due to new snow, may open tomorrow.
  • 11:17 Amen! RT @cbracy How many gulf residents calling for strong gov't intervention in oil spill were small gov't conservatives 37 days ago?
  • 13:31 What you talkin' about, Willis? RIP, Gary
  • 16:37 RT @sacca Microsoft's patent suit against Salesforce is the act of a desperate and scared bully. Startups should fear them.
  • 17:19 RT @BPGlobalPR Sarah Palin keeps sending us cutesy Evites to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Even we are disturbed. (via @dallant)
  • 23:44 RT @dangillmor BP's Potemkin clean-up crew via
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