Monday, December 31, 2007

Blackberry shortcut: how to mark multiple messages as opened

I finally figured out how to fix one of the little things that's been keeping me from fully enjoying my Blackberry 8830 World Edition: I can now manage the "opened/unopened" status of multiple messages at once on the Blackberry.

I used to spend a good 10 minutes each day in my Blackberry message folder navigating from one message to the next (press N to move to the Newer message or press P to move to the Previous message) so that the read/unread status would match my computer-based email applications (Mac Mail and Gmail).

Now, I've discovered I can mark whole days' worth (if not weeks' worth) of messages as opened by doing the following:
  • In the Blackberry Messages folder, scroll down until you've highlighted a date separator
  • Click the scroll wheel to bring up the popup menu
  • Select "Mark Prior Opened" and all the messages received that day (or any day prior) will be marked as opened and your unopened messages ticker will decrease in size accordingly!
Alternatively, at the date separator instead of clicking with the scroll wheel, you can use the menu button just to the left of the scroll wheel and you'll see the same "Mark Prior Opened" option plus a "Delete Prior" option for cleaning out the messages entirely.

PS from what I can tell scrolling through the Crackberry Forums, this shortcut works on all Blackberries.


KrisRobinson said...

That was one of the most useful discoveries I made with my crackberry also! Only I just asked our handy dandy IT guy if he knew a better way and he showed me the first day I had it.

ApplefanBE said...

You just saved me a lot of time .. thanks !

Me. said...

PERFECT! Thanks so much! I'm on week #2 with my devise and that has become my biggest pet peeves! :o)

The Concierge said...

Thank you so much, thtat is seriously the most awesome shortcut ever.

Unknown said...

Not fast enough for me, I wish there was a dedicated shortcut for marking all messages as opened, similar to alt+u