Thursday, April 22, 2010

tweets o' the day

  • 09:12 RT @p2173 The snarkiest, + possibly most correct, article yet on #mobile, #giving, #charity, #nonprofits #philanthropy
  • 09:24 @PamO sounds like a great visit. Could you send him this way to share his effect with my kids?
  • 10:16 RT @scottlondon "Within every setback or disappointment lies the seed of an equal or greater advantage or benefit. Your job is to find it."
  • 10:41 I like Brad's post here: RT @bradrourke: Strategy vs. Tactics. "Strategy is a decisive allocation of resources."
  • 13:58 Wow, got my tax refund from state of California just 7 days after filing. That was fast!
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