- 05:24 hopping the red line in DC on my way to AU
- 05:34 do empty Metro trains go faster, or does it just seem that way?
- 05:46 on the AU shuttle heading to the Ward bldg for Beyond Broadcast #BB08
- 06:05 hoping we learn the wifi login shortly or #BB08 is going to be quiet
- 06:12 tweetsters beware: I'm live-tweeting from #BeyondBroadcast at American U so turn off your phone notifications from me #BB08
- 06:14 want to cut down on wifi usage at a conf? provide a WEP hex key on paper to attendees and depend on typo-free entry to log in. suck #BB08
- 06:16 resorting to reading each other the hex key to type it in correctly. it takes a village #bb08
- 06:18 Pat Aufderheide of Center for Social Media opening things up. focusing on the PUBLIC part of public media #bb08
- 06:19 the public in a democracy are the people who talk about problems and then do something about them #bb08 shout outs to Y Benkler's work
- 06:42 Banville: showing this map: snurl.com/2ju5f and the geographic power of pubic broadcasting (100s stations, 1000s producers) #bb08
- 06:44 Banville: 2nd concept: overlaying data on top of the map to provide context 3rd: iterative (new for public broadcasting folks) #bb08
- 06:45 Paula Le Dieu: Walking us through the map at breathingearth.net/ #bb08
- 06:46 Le Dieu: map shows yellow (births) and orange (deaths) flashes on countries of the earth. think of all the stories these flashes show #bb08
- 06:47 Le Dieu: what does it mean to be relevant in a participatory age? no longer just broadcast, one-way signal #bb08
- 06:48 Le Dieu: BBC's Creative Archive was Beeb's first attempt at being relevant in a participatory age. (didn't work out so well) #bb08
- 06:49 Le Dieu: public broadcast is in a hard spot moving down from the broadcast tower and in and amongst the participative people #bb08
- 06:51 Le Dieu: in the UK, the public doesn't own the maps, the Crown own the maps and charges money to use them. thus the birth of Open Maps #bb08
- 06:53 Le Dieu: folks attaching GPS to couriers, cabs, etc to create public-owned open maps #bb08
- 06:56 Chaacha Mwita: shows what seems like a simple map of Kenya (comparatively), but is very useful in showing where reporters are in Kenya #bb08
- 06:56 Mwita: Provides an interactive guide to see and understand how and what is being reported by whom in a rapidly changing landscape #bb08
- 06:58 Mwita guiding us through this map of reporters in Kenya: snurl.com/2jues #bb08
- 06:59 hi mom! #bb08
- 07:04 Banville: if you create a collaborative map, need to budget 33% more time than normal to create it. BUT map is really deep and dense #bb08
- 07:08 w00t! the panel is taking questions from the twitterstream. Will anyone raise their hand instead? #bb08
- 07:09 Le Dieu: if you create a maps platform, make it as open as possible, as mungible as possible so others can reuse it as they wish #bb08
- 07:11 Mwita: hyperlocal content in Kenya a threat to local authorities. SMS relay how poorly govt acted while radio = pro-govt propaganda #bb08
- 07:17 a devil's advocate speaks up to dispute the efficacy and accuracy of the Oakland crime map mashups. powerful tool in wrong hands? #bb08
- 07:30 @beyondbroadcast please tag your tweets with #bb08
- 07:32 Mwita: in the future there will need to be some kind of authenticating mechanism to vouch for the data on maps #bb08
- 08:10 Russell: DIY media refers to people taking media of all genres (genri? genra?) into their own hands to address their own needs #bb08
- 08:15 retweeting @alexleavitt: #bb08 DIY: to develop new genres and styles = the cultural future of the Internet
- 08:20 "would you call this public media?" is a recurring question in videos here (akin to the obscenity test? I'll know it when I see it?) #bb08
- 08:20 See a selection of DIY videos at www.video24-7.org/ #bb08
- 08:21 next up: a panel on Visualizing Public Media Futures #bb08
- 08:25 Calvin Sims: spent 20 yrs at NYT and is anchored in a tradition of standards & ethics looks thru that filter at future of public media #bb08
- 08:29 Dennis Haarsager: walking us thru a graph of difference between Public Media 1.0 and PM 2.0 at snurl.com/2jvzf #bb08
- 08:31 Haarsager: we're enhancing human understanding through smart decisions on what, why and where are they creating media #bb08
- 08:33 Anthony Hammelle: shows maps of the political blogosphere (created by RTGI) francophones see rtgi.fr/ (english link there, too) #bb08
- 08:36 Hammelle: Shows us maps from Dec 2007 & Jun 2008. Can see borders between media & bloggers dissolving as media embeds in community #bb08
- 08:43 Wendy Levy: of Bay Area Video Coalition (www.bavc.org) showing us two machinema videos from the program #bb08
- 08:47 wondering how much of NPR's growing influence in the blogosphere network map is solely attributable to the efforts of @acarvin #bb08
- 08:50 Ignore my previous rtgi link and instead go here: linkfluence.net/ or direct to map here: presidentialwatch08.com/ #bb08
- 08:59 discussion: should there be a public media code of ethics? if yes, how is it applied to the space? education? #bb08
- 09:00 Haarsager: legally, NPR has traditionally been concerned with libel in their own content, now concerned about the community content #bb08
- 09:03 witnessing the conference session being hijacked by someone at the mic.
- 09:06 Haarsager: It all comes down to being found. We create content faster than we can assimilate it. #bb08
- 09:08 that @davetaylor guy is so smart, even when he's offline! ;-)
- 09:15 and we've reached our lunch break at Beyond Broadcast. tweet you once my belly's full #bb08
- 09:21 "when an elder dies, a library is burned" - how do we disseminate knowledge beyond our frail bodies from the old to the young? #bb08
- 11:21 Reigel: Thru the Nonprofit Finance Fund he's able to resource these folks and not pull the rug out from under them #bb08
- 11:24 Reigel: Bringing in revenue needs to be decriminalized. That Public Media must be free is wrong, simply wrong. #bb08
- 11:25 Reigel: 4 ways media companies make money: 1) commerce, 2) advertising #bb08
- 11:26 Reigel: 3) specific support to say what they say from vested interests #bb08
- 11:26 Reigel: 4) taking investor money with a model for returning it later and then going out of business. #bb08
- 11:27 Vince Stehle: We're all in our own way trying to figure out how to transform our organizations in a time of great media change. #bb08
- 11:28 Stehle: talks about the Radiohead experiment (pay what you will) and NIN experiment in the music industry (TK: such a hepcat!) #bb08
- 11:30 @neddotcom more online users participating in your site, in your community, in your product. participants before money plans #bb08
- 11:33 stehle: new model example Colby Calais recorded a song, posted to MySpace, 10M downloads, signed by label, now touring with John Mayer #bb08
- 11:33 @craigrosa great reminder of the "because" effect! #bb08
- 11:34 Ernest Wilson: thinks this is a great meeting and thinks we need 50 more meetings like it #bb08
- 11:35 Wilson: syllogism: democracy rests on a free and independent press, media is going thru great turmoil ergo democracy is at great risk. #bb08
- 11:36 Wilson: we are way behind the curve on public service media re: what's happening on the new digital platform #bb08
- 11:38 Wilson: as we think about biz models for public service media, we need to be experimenting a lot faster than we are now. #bb08
- 11:41 Wilson: 4 silos of discourse that could save democracy if they de-silo'd: print, digital media, public broadcasting, commercial #bb08
- 11:41 @alexleavitt Firefox 3 delayed: tinyurl.com/5le4n9
- 11:43 retweeting @brianshaler: Follow @mozillafirefox for updates regarding Firefox 3 downloads. #bb08
- 11:47 Wilson blames the lousy digital rights management system (TK: not sure I agree this is a show-stopper) #bb08
- 11:52 that Four-Eyed Monster thingee is here: www.foureyedmonsters.com/ #bb08
- 12:00 Stehle reminds us of our obligation to help each other build our work into stronger channels by our own doing. #bb08
- 12:40 Irving: grabs onto notion of needing to set an agenda, but have to articulate it, advocate it and make it so your grandma understands #bb08
- 12:42 Irving: honors Tim Russert as a last bastion of civility in the discourse on commercial TV #bb08
- 12:45 Irving: no problem with ads and commercial TV, but need a space for commercial AND a separate space for non-commercial. #bb08
- 12:46 Irving: There is no such thing as free money. if someone's giving you money it's because they want to access your audience. #bb08
- 12:47 Irving: gender and race have a large influence on where and how much ads are purchased (black and latino males are bottom of spectrum) #bb08
- 12:49 Irving: demographics are the elephant in the room when discussing advertising on media #bb08
- 12:50 Irving: public broadcasting has no brand equity. #bb08
- 12:53 Irving: remember, as demographics change, members of congress will change. Safest thing to be in congress now is a person of color #bb08
- 12:55 Irving: for an entire generation of people, technology/media aren't something you GO to, are something you always have with you. #bb08
- 12:57 Irving: blacks and browns consume MORE media of ALL types than their anglo equivalents #bb08
- 12:58 @krob just 30 min to go and then I will quiet down again :-)
- 12:59 Irving: how do we give a trusted brand to people and get public media orgs to play nice in that space? #bb08
- 13:05 Irving: need to lay out case for changing policy so we can spend more public media money on digital, too, not just OTA broadcast #bb08
- 13:06 Irving: move away from idea of public broadcast toward idea of public media #bb08
- 13:15 QOTD from Larry Irving: "right-wing radio are angry old white men while left-wing blogosphere are angry young white men" #bb08
- 13:18 irving: we need to figure out how to mainstream black, brown, asian into EVERYthing we do #bb08
- 13:21 podcasts of today's Beyond Broadcast conf will be available tomorrow at www.centerforsocialmedia.org (you can proof my tweets) #bb08
- 13:22 and now my Twittertorrent will trickle out. Thanks to all the peeps who contributed to the live-tweeting over at twemes.com/bb08
- 13:25 Beyond Broadcast Twitterfolk: great job on the live-tweet stream. I think we did a good job capturing the flavor of the day. #bb08
- 13:25 off to find a cab to take me to Dulles. wish me luck!
- 14:47 on my way to Dulles airport to fly to sfo. taking off my #bb08 tag and donning my #ocu2008 one
- 16:30 safely placed in seat 10F on UA223 to sfo. remind me not to sit in the first of two exit rows on an A320... no recline (bah)
- 22:41 touchdown sfo
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