Saturday, March 29, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 08:43 got in the pool for first workout in a week. still weak from the flu, but glad to be active (ish) again. tri is in 16 days
  • 10:19 @howardgr my google calendars are not fully functional, either (still)
  • 11:02 @diong careful you don't go look at or you'll spend even more money on bike gear! (all I can do not to spend $ there today)
  • 11:40 feeling smug about my brackets as I peak in the standings. likely to fall in the ranks with today's results, tho
  • 13:36 good lunch with a non-tweeting coworker. hope he joins soon so I can "r@" him out on twitter
  • 15:07 just added my name to the list of Earth Hour observers (this Sat, 8-9p). is your name on the list? make it so at
  • 18:04 davidson's gonna slay my bracket goliathson
  • 21:18 ugh, my 3 seeds failed to win today, so my brackets suffer. At least Sharks are gonna beat Ducks to clinch Pacific Division tonight
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