- 04:25 good morning Cambridge. wow did I need that sleep
- 06:44 Bruce Etling: inernet and democracy project - interested in what citizens want. Persephone Miel: Media Republic project #berkman
- 06:45 and @dangillmor interested in development of media from edge of networks, not from the "center" #berkman
- 06:45 @chep2m thanks for the usage patterns report!
- 06:53 going around room with intros. everyone picks 3 words to describe what they do/interested in. mine: networks, resourcies, impacts #berkman
- 06:56 Dan (@dangillmor) sets the house rule for the session: no hand-wringing #berkman
- 06:57 cost of trying new media is driven down to zero, @dangillmor tells his students: this is the best time ever to invent own job #berkman
- 07:00 Etling looking from consumer side: user less concerned of source (blogger, news site, newspaper), they just want the info. #berkman
- 07:02 Etling: we want 1) well-informed citizens, 2) global news/perspective 3) a watchdog/transparency roll #berkman
- 07:09 what "we" want from media is thoroughness, transparency, accuracy, convenience, personalization, network mapping tools #berkman
- 07:13 #berkman does media really promote citizen engagement at a large scale? or is just the usual suspects time and again?
- 07:16 #berkman there's much to do to explore the business models now that cost of production is so low.. need to focus on sustainability of effort
- 07:18 #berkman we all have bias, can we be upfront with our biases? (some more than other) observed: traditional media has an establishment bias
- 07:26 #berkman where market not yet addressing the gap between new/old media, how can nonprofits help bridge the gap? (things like Sunlight Fdn)
- 07:30 #berkman happy to see someone's already transcribing Open Media blackboard scrawl onto the session wiki: snurl.com/295fo
- 07:33 #berkman most oft-mentioned organizations in the Open Media session: Knight Fdn and Sunlight Fdn. good for their brands, no?
- 07:36 #berkman are so many obstacles to measuring internet-based activity accurately, too easy to misinterpret & ascribe authority incorrectly
- 07:44 (fixed link): Outlets to Go strip so I can plug my Mac brick into the power plugs here at Harvard snurl.com/295i1 #berkman
- 07:46 great audience question: why is all this new stuff in the media space always being talked about as a nonprofit solution *first*? #berkman
- 07:47 @mrgarin I'm at the Open Media session (just ended)
- 08:14 In the Transparency and Government breakout at #berkman snurl.com/295oy
- 09:05 T&G: Sunlight asked for help with int'l efforts. Excited about the potential. Focus on USA 1st, seeking stuff in form/format needed #berkman
- 09:07 T&G: audience: Qis there a way these same tools can be used to look at the intersection of industry and government? #berkman
- 09:09 #$%#$%* some magic sequence of fat-fingered keystrokes just cleared my twhirl history. grrr #berkman
- 09:10 T&G: now onus of gifts disclosure is on recipient, not on giver. Could change this via executive order #berkman
- 09:11 @jsb focus seems to be on getting access to data, not nec building (yet) but modeling for govt to take over
- 09:13 T&G: Sunlight has an influence matrix to see all relationships in one easy-to-digest visualization in quest for 1-click disclosure #berkman
- 09:14 T&G @mlsif 500 people networked together can make a HUGE difference. Would love 5-10 people per district using these tools #berkman
- 09:18 T&G: Sunlight Foundation ad: If you can code & are interested, please contact Greg Elin the chief architect #berkman snurl.com/29633
- 09:18 T&G session adjourned. off to lunch #berkman
- 11:08 In the Goverment Relationship Management (GRM) breakout led by Britt Blaser (Sr Advisor to Dean campaign) #berkman
- 11:09 GRM: Blaser: the Fortune 535 are the congresscritters that are getting rich thanks to their power position and earmarking #berkman
- 11:12 GRM Blaser: shouldn't we have sites for pres election that don't disappear right after the campaign is over? all that commty: poof! #berkman
- 11:16 GRM Blaser: puts forth idea that newprez.us would be this evergreen site to catpure the election content/focus from all. #berkman
- 11:17 GRM Blaser: we need to re-hijack democracythrough fractal sites (a la my.barackobama.com). #berkman
- 11:20 GRM Blaser: Create an exoskeleton for the content. Dean campaign did better in states where didn't have a physical presence #berkman
- 11:23 GRM: audience pushing back on idea: instead of building all these new destination sites why not be where folks already going? #berkman
- 11:24 GRM: creating new destination sites is last generation approach to solving problems... how do we meet people where they're now at? #berkman
- 11:26 GRM: audience citation: www.mysociety.org -- Tom Steinberg is doing this already for UK politics. #berkman
- 11:46 GRM: feels like this idea depends way heavy on giving new and powerful tools to people. imho, we need the simple tools used better. #berkman
- 11:47 GRM: hearing "it's a mechanical problem" tossed around a lot (tool bias). Really, it's a people thing (my bias) #berkman
- 12:27 GPS Tovey: ref: Encyc of World Problems and Human Potential ( snurl.com/2977b ) shows list of problems AND propose solutions #berkman
- 12:28 GPS Tovey: the problems are cyclical. the problems regenerate themselves. How to turn vicious cycles into virtuous cycles? #berkman
- 12:33 GPS Tovey: State of the Future folks assert that for any large scale problem, you need a trans-institutional solution #berkman
- 12:35 GPS: What Tovey's talking about re: trans-institutional solutions sounds like global action networks seen at gan-net.net #berkman
- 12:36 GPS Tovey: once you can address things by idea (language neutral), you can start to work on them together #berkman
- 12:41 GPS: going around room with folks identifying big problems that they're worried about. currently hung up talking about rivalries #berkman
- 12:45 reminder to self: never present a topic in the last 2 hours of a 2 day conference (un- or not)
- 12:59 GPS Tovey: if you want to start winnowing down solutions (a key problem) you have to introduce a reputation system #berkman
- 13:09 GPS Nesson just sat down next to me... I feel compelled to live-tweet something just to show Twemes working #berkman
- 13:11 GPS Tovey suming up: ways you can map out problem spaces such that you can discover where engagements are and attentions are #berkman
- 13:12 GPS Tovey: when start to discover where attention is, you can know where biggest problems are and allocate tools and funds to them #berkman
- 13:21 GPS session adjourned. on to last panel: Future of the Internet (take 2) #berkman
- 13:59 got the early read on our daughter's MRI: mostly clean, nothing to worry about (whew!)
- 14:02 In ten years time, what will the role of the Berkman center have been? #berkman
- 14:08 (going around room getting deep questions): How do we achieve open-ness? we need places to provide the critical mass for thinking #berkman
- 14:12 Prof Nash: instead of thinking about how egalitarian IS the 'Net, ask instead SHOULD it be egalitarian? #berkman
- 14:14 don't know what the problem we'll be looking at in 10 years, but do know issues will come up from between the cracks #berkman
- 14:16 deep question from @dsearls: Is the Internet public? #berkman
- 14:23 We're reminded that it's "We the people" not "They the people" #berkman
- 14:24 when will unconferences become the norm and we have to explain to newbies what a panel is? #berkman
- 14:30 observation from @zittrain: likes seeing more books being written by people who aren't "authors." #berkman
- 14:32 asking questions must know we're no longer representative of the users of the internet... we need to cede the role to the new reps #berkman
- 14:35 imho, it seems that "failed market forces" are invoked primarily when the market is seen as not addressing a particular moral issue #berkman
- 14:37 @wseltzer hear hear
- 14:41 Fisher: we can best do our work if we engage a large number of people not formally organized in Berkman-like centers #berkman
- 14:44 Berkman at 10 is over but for the gala . Thanks tweeps (old and new) for the collab effort to document this event #berkman
- 18:18 listening to a wonderful recognition speech by MacArthur Fdn for the Berkman Center. rock stars all #berkman
- 18:52 Zuckerman, Fisher, Benchler, Nesson presenting Berkman awards tonight with Zittrain as MC #berkman
- 21:48 bummed that someone saw fit to take my (borrowed) umbrella from the coat room. petty thievery's so inconvenient
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