Tuesday, September 09, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 08:00 happy to see the marine layer still hanging around at breakfast. mother nature's A/C is so much cheaper than PG&E's
  • 09:37 wanted to lend via Kiva, but only oppty available right now is to help a beer vendor stock up. will wait for another oppty to present
  • 11:05 Rowling wins suit against Harry Potter Lexicon author claiming his book would cause her irreparable harm as a writer. Such a 1.0 victory
  • 11:49 Hey, my list of recommended books for aspiring Urban Chicken farmers is up on Flashlight Worthy books! snurl.com/3o9vk
  • 14:54 made my first $25 loan via Kiva today. Harder than expected to find a loan, but easy after that. still waiting for FP update to post, tho
  • 16:01 @makriese NICE shirt!
  • 16:07 is "everyone knows your business" (and thus is supposedly hard to lie) a small town effect? or a small town value?
  • 16:26 enjoying the heck out of Radiohead: Live in Concert on NPR music. Hear their 08/28/08 show yourself at snurl.com/3odcp
  • 17:42 off to pick up grit for the chickens, then to the SVTri club mtg and finally to poker. I hope traffic is kind to me.
  • 19:11 waiting for the Silicon Valley Triathlon Club meeting to start.
  • 19:43 wish i could have stayed longer for the svtc mtg. off to poker
  • 23:09 Came in first in tonight's poker game. Got some spending money for this weekend's trip to Yosemite
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