Friday, September 26, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 08:35 woke up late but still squeezed in a 3.5 mile run before breakfast. just ten days to the SJ Rock n Roll half marathon
  • 09:50 Radiohead's released the stems for "Reckoner" for remixing to your heart's delight. w00t! (link launches iTunes)
  • 09:59 rt @stereogab Finance Industry Giving Visualized (TK: great video explain, fascinating dynamic chart)
  • 13:53 wait, they agreed on a bailout plan? sh!t that means I'm gonna have to study for the debate tomorrow night.
  • 13:56 r/t @jayrosen_nyu Did Sarah Palin and the McCain crew know that "close to Russia" was coming? ... Watch CBS:
  • 15:11 r/t @neddotcom "Palin: Bailout is about healthcare!" a disturbing 1:30 second video, she's all over the map:
  • 15:48 those answers you want? "I'll try to find some and bring 'em to ya!" #suspending my benefit of the doubt in Palin's competence
  • 16:33 about to leave my desk to go partake in our monthly wine tasting here at the office. Gotta love the perks!
  • 17:35 got the line on a litter of golden doodles that's due mid-October. Spoke with the breeder (very nice) Hoping there's a puppy in our future!
  • 20:42 i want to believe in Oregon State. really i do. no one in the bar is cheering for USC
  • 21:17 hooray for oregon state!
  • 23:04 happy to get 318 highlight points at darts tonight. wish I'd won one more game tho
  • 23:39 lost a heartbreaker dart match 9-8. doh
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