Thursday, June 04, 2009

tweets o' the day

  • 09:44 Between the freeway and the house there are 11 traffic lights. I got stopped at 10 of 11. Gonna be one of those days, eh?
  • 10:42 busy week as an urban chicken blogger: two review copies of books and a couple press inquiries to boot. what fun
  • 11:57 RT @janchip: How the mobile phone and mBanking both undermines and strengthens the family unit. Lessons from M-PESA
  • 14:24 Hold the Date: Sports Basement (Sunnyvale) Shopping Party on 6/23 from 6-8pm. 20% off anything in the store. msg me for invite
  • 14:37 wife (aka Birthday Girl) just shared with me a piece of her Gearhart's boutique chocolate freshly FedEx'd from C'ville, VA. deeeelicious!
  • 17:56 RT @kg: The time to make up your mind about someone is never. -@benkweller
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