Tuesday, June 09, 2009

tweets o' the day

  • 06:11 RT @dcallejon: "Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames." -Rumi
  • 09:22 I <3 Mint.com just started using recently, and the email reminders/warnings are awesome.
  • 09:44 I am so very unimpressed with these !@#$% auto-expanding bing ads on NYT and WashPo. bad UX from your ad? me no visit your site.
  • 10:12 headed out to make the yard look pretty for the reporter/photog. urban chicken interview at 11 :)
  • 11:40 Urban chicken interview went well -- lots of fun. The article's due out on June 20th and I'll post the link when it's online.
  • 22:51 Listened to a panel of Ironman finishers talk about their race experiences at the SVTC mtg tonight. Lake Placid or Canada as 1st IM in 2010?
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