Thursday, September 24, 2009

tweets o' the day

  • 00:35 @dallant surely you jest about the new shoes... s'il vous plait?
  • 00:56 LOVE IT! RT @twisst8 @itsthomas ISS will cross the sky at your location at 8:46 pm! more details:
  • 09:00 too cute: listening to my youngest sing along to "Magic" by Selena Gomez
  • 10:32 You don't have to like the coming era of hyper-measurement, but that doesn't mean it's not here. (via @sethgodin)
  • 10:55 RT @awsamuel Great blog post from @laurenbacon on why you shouldn't worry about falling behind.
  • 14:54 RT @weaddup We have over $33,000 worth of prizes. All ya have to do is sign up to win! Have fun!
  • 18:12 enjoying the awesomeness that is my dopplr account linked to my flickr account to group my photos by trip taken.
  • 18:36 @leelefever so sorry to read the sad news of Amos. My thoughts are with you.
  • 21:27 Happily watching the Sharks and the Canucks streaming on (OT, baby!)
  • 22:58 flight leaves in 9 hours, and I guess I'd better start packing my equipment IN the bag instead of just piling it in a corner
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