Thursday, May 14, 2009

tweets o' the day

  • 07:42 Found a blog using my CC'd picture with no attrib (and wrong caption). Trying to contact them to rectify.
  • 09:13 RT @scottmoore: Not sure one person should devote 24/7 hours to connecting. I have been burned by single person dependencies. #c20
  • 09:54 head is swimming in opportunities. some domestic, some overseas, some a little of both. didn't think there'd be so many choices so soon.
  • 10:17 So glad to have @sharakarasic live-tweeting the proceedings of #c20: humbled by her mad skillz
  • 10:19 RT: @sharakarasic: @chrisbrogan "It does not scale - everything that is lovely does not scale. It reproduces." #c20
  • 10:38 @bradrourke #c20 is the tag for the Community 2.0 conference here in SF (I'm following, not attending)
  • 11:45 RT @EthanZ: Great oppty for community charities in US from Global Giving: chance to raise $$ for community projects
  • 14:24 RT @spikejones: Who shouldn't do social media? Companies not confident in their products/service. #womma
  • 22:10 Just bought mp3s of the 99 Most Essential Pieces of Classical Music for just $7.99 at AMZN (saved $80)
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