Wednesday, January 27, 2010

tweets o' the day

  • 10:00 Liking the new mobile interface for Twitter
  • 11:18 I've crossed the "lost 40 pounds" threshold (from my peak 222lbs in 2007). This low-sugar (<15g/day) diet is really working
  • 11:20 @NurtureGirl Hey you! So wonderful to see so many great things happening in your life! What a great example of thrivability you are.
  • 11:21 @smallbiztlc Thanks, Erika. It feels great :)
  • 11:42 @sesamebuns fingers crossed for you. hope you get the job
  • 13:04 NPR story shows the amazing the lengths ("but research proves it!") we'll go to rationalize eating junk
  • 13:41 @garykebbel Good luck, Gary!
  • 15:34 geeking out with Ruby, MySql, unfuddle and git. just love posing as a developer
  • 00:11 I'd love to know why my MacBook Pro (OS X 10.6.2) keeps cycling between 5GB free on my hard drive and 100MB free. so %(&! annoying
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