Friday, January 29, 2010

tweets o' the day

  • 10:00 Nike's new GreenXchange looks to be a really interesting sustainability marketplace for innovation.
  • 10:20 Surprised to see which of these CareerBuilder TV spots was considered "too hot for tv" (your vote?)
  • 11:32 #FAIL: @MensHealthMag web site is infuriating: they trap great content in a horrid page-view-driven UI.
  • 15:20 If "what does not kill me only makes me stronger" is true, you'll be able to call me Hercules by year's end
  • 15:41 @KevinStark Job Fairy was my favorite, too!
  • 16:41 @dallant thanks for the business name tips; the domains have been claimed!
  • 17:15 I <3 watching cops pull over carpool cheats
  • 22:26 Great meeting tonight of all the captains in the SCVDA #dart league. Spring season starts next week!
  • 22:27 @ryankanno ain't it great?!
  • 23:01 RT @davos The #DavosSocial panel with @loic @ev @quixotic @gcolony @ginab @randizuckerberg @grove is on YouTube
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