Wednesday, February 03, 2010

tweets o' the day

  • 06:50 Reading article by @jobsworth on last week's #WEF "Don't judge the Davos book by the covers that others may use."
  • 06:53 @smallbiztlc Congrats! Remember to not just weigh yourself, but measure waist, hips, thighs, arms, legs to see full extent of changes
  • 07:16 "Every revolution destroys the average middle first and most savagely." (more good writing by Seth Godin)
  • 12:51 Agonizing over a decision can be excruciating. So just decide already; it's amazing what's possible once you make up your mind.
  • 15:05 Wishing the Trans Tahoe Swim Relay and Vineman 70.3 Triathlon weren't happening on the same weekend.
  • 16:38 Best advice I've seen all day: "Despite all the noise online, it's still possible to become a signal." Here's how:
  • 17:51 @Montero you are not alone in your isolation from Lost. Just one more season for us to stay virgins!
  • 17:57 Sweet! yet another of my Flickr pix gets picked up to illustrate an article: let's hear it for @creativecommons
  • 23:13 I love the people I work with in Thailand. Couldn't ask for better clients.
  • 23:15 I vote for @awsamuel for a Shorty Award in #bestcouple because their love knows no technical bounds
  • 00:06 People respond (or not) based on the voice of online content. First person singular "I" is the most inviting voice for dialog. what say you?
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