Wednesday, January 21, 2009

tweets o' the day

  • 07:08 it's a beautiful day for change
  • 08:56 Trying to spot LeftCoastMom (@makriese) amongst the throngs on TV. Unsuccessfully. #inaug09
  • 09:02 RT @laughingsquid early this morning in San Francisco, Bush St signs changed to Obama along entire length of street
  • 09:11 it's good to have "Joe the VP" in office at last
  • 09:56 RT @dweinberger Wow. redone. Blog. "Communication, transparency, participation." #inaug09
  • 10:29 spelling out "obama" in letter blocks on the floor with my youngest.
  • 13:39 Hanging outside in the courtyard while my youngest tears it up in Speech Therapy. Another sunny CA day to enjoy outdoors
  • 17:24 Rain tomorrow? Hope I can get a run in before the drops start to fall.
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