Friday, October 31, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 11:11 great to see folks joining the Facebook group "I voted... Did you?" please retweet to spread the word?
  • 12:51 @astrout thanks for joining the "I voted... Did you?" group on Facebook!
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Thursday, October 30, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 08:59 wow. regular gas is $2.99 a gallon. cheapest since Sept 2007 here in Redwood City
  • 17:59 watching the wheels fly off a project timeline, but at least I know where they landed :)
  • 20:56 hoping my daughter feels better tomorrow. lots of Halloween events to attend, but only if she's well.
  • 21:05 Thanks @gwachob for pointing out the Prop 8 money database at Glad to see my ZIP code is decidedly against it.
  • 21:47 @dougsuerich awesome urban chicken news! thanks for the lead on another post to
  • 23:13 Just created the "I voted... Did You?" group on FB. If you voted, join it (and spread it)
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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 08:40 having a hard time finding sympathy for those whose "Yes on Prop 8" signs have gone missing. I guess disappeared bigotry is ok by me.
  • 09:12 Planning an open water swim in SF Bay this weekend. Looks like it's going to be raining when I do. I hope I don't get too wet ;)
  • 09:57 @googleatwork I follow Gmail blog & Google LatLong blog. what could be better? more stories about how others are using the tools creatively
  • 10:09 desperate to get my Google Reader under 1000+ unread items. Not to the point of the nuclear "mark all read" option (yet)
  • 10:14 @jsb not jealous of your ride. at all. nope. not me.
  • 10:37 @neddotcom can't find that discussion you were looking for. so frustrating that the search isn't any better. maybe it was in your pers news?
  • 11:04 doing a recap of 2008 to plot the trajectory/budget for 2009. Will also help my new manager and I get on the same page. Ah, business tools
  • 12:06 the call I was scheduled to take while driving to SF was canceled. Now I can catch up on my podcasts-in-waiting instead.
  • 12:24 Would be great to have the option to see my profile on FB like others do (Friends, Friends of Friends, Limited, etc). maybe I already can?
  • 13:04 realizing how badly I want my girls growing up with a black family in the White House as their norm
  • 20:46 Sharks are playing great. Penguins goalie is playing out of his mind.
  • 21:38 this is some crazy fun Sharks hockey game.
  • 21:41 so happy to see Mike Grier score the insurance goal with 6 min to go.
  • 21:52 Sharks win!
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 08:37 RT @peterkaminski Anchorage Daily News endorses Obama: - it's a good read
  • 08:45 @pierre re: your rooster problem, I've got a great recipe for coq a vin
  • 09:19 enjoying the traffic into the new LinkedIn group created for folks who attended last week's Online Marketing Forum
  • 11:51 getting ready to jump into a brown bag session about Zimbra as a replacement for MS Outlook. Any advice from folks to use it/avoid it?
  • 14:03 @khopper I've just gotten into and am enjoying the sound quality, the song catalog to pull from and the social bits sprinkled atop
  • 14:30 One of the elements we have to take into consideration berfore adopting Zimbra is how likely it is that MS will buy YHOO (& then kill Z)
  • 15:06 @alexpoon rediscovering you. hope you're well!
  • 16:19 fantastic photo search engine (by color) at only thing to make it better? enable it for cooliris display
  • 23:15 writing up the rules/logistics to a new format for masters play in the SCVDA Spring 2009 dart season. Change is good!
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Monday, October 27, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 11:30 great workout this morning: 40kmi bike + 5km run. now watching the Cowboys game
  • 14:00 uploading my recent workout data to MotionBased, wondering how my marathon friends did in today's Silicon Valley Marathon.
  • 14:40 get your bad self a little "men at work" on:
  • 20:48 I've seen more baseball in the last week than I did all year long prior
  • 22:56 got called out as "hey, you're the urban chicken guy!" by someone who lives in the neighborhood and reads my blog (she owns chickens, too)
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Sunday, October 26, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 08:42 morning #2 with a cockatiel in the house. Perched on my shoulder, he's trying to share my bowl of cereal (no thanks). cute, but inconvenient
  • 11:31 It's a kinda morning. idly wondering if I can teach the cockatiel to sing TMBG's "Birdhouse in Your Soul"
  • 11:37 Birds Fly (Whisper to a Scream)
  • 14:38 Zoppe Family circus: great clean fun for the family. glad it's here in Redwood City this weekend.
  • 16:24 our youngest is in full-force meltdown. the core's been cracked. Don't know how we'll cool her down. Take a nap? surely you jest.
  • 17:17 wishing I had NHL Center Ice (just for the night) to watch Dan Boyle's return to Tampa with the Sharks.
  • 18:12 getting ready to make cup cakes with my oldest. yum
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Saturday, October 25, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 07:56 there's a cockatiel in my kitchen. you just never know what's going to happen, eh?
  • 12:34 A wee bit troubled that the LinkedIn search function isn't returning people I know, for a fact, are on LinkedIn. (it isn't due to my typos)
  • 15:07 digging thru emails now that I'm back from our Online Marketing Forum. will be getting to you shortly if you've been waiting on me.
  • 15:43 @ellmllr there's something about the heft of the glass Voss bottle, no? I'm hooked, too (but will refill mine from tap over and over)
  • 16:27 submitting the forms to get my nonprofit donations matched (2-to-1) by Omidyar Network. Great perk to working here.
  • 17:02 frustrated that a save the date email from a small nonprofit has stuffed said date into an attached PDF. c'mon people, work with me
  • 17:30 main intersection in Redwood City crawling with No on Prop 8 folks. so great to see!
  • 21:14 haloween carnival at the school was fun, looking forward to taking the girls to the circus tomorrow afternoon, tho. tonight: poker online!
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Friday, October 24, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 07:36 getting my linkedin on this morning
  • 07:57 driving next to a brand new Maserati. what a beautiful car and a gorgrous exhaust note
  • 09:17 If Yogi Berra surfed the web, he'd say "If you don't know who you need to reach and engage online, you probably won't." (thx @cwolz)
  • 10:25 Hmmm it will be useful to create a persona/profile of the typical dart thrower to help us with recruitment/retention for SCVDA
  • 22:19 great day at the online marketing forum. lots of good user persona, SEO and conversion to action advice.
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Thursday, October 23, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 08:55 What was once a Mac Address Book migration to Salesforce is now a Zimbra migration to Salesforce. That changes things a bit, no?
  • 12:02 appreciating management insights
  • 15:59 over $150K spent by RNC to CLOTHE the Palin family. All clothes to be donated to charity post-election... really?
  • 16:42 Headed to Palo Alto to start the Online Marketing Forum for our portfolio orgs. Months in the planning, finally time to get it started.
  • 21:01 great start to the Online Marketing Forum. Can't wait for things to get started at breakfast, but ready to get some rest in the meantime
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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 08:44 thinking about what to name the puppy...
  • 12:12 @crzykty welcome to twitter!
  • 17:35 trying to tie things up so as to be able to work from home tonight. these are busy times we live in
  • 17:45 @cwolz please say hi to Perla for me
  • 18:04 Found a great 5 mile run to take @cwolz around Stanford University in the morning at o-dark thirty.
  • 19:08 watching "James and the Giant Peach" with my little girls. They absolutely love the movie (and sing along to the songs, too). so cute
  • 21:38 Omidyar Network in the WSJ:
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

an earworm of XTC courtesy

On my list of sites to set up and explore is, but until I can do it myself, I'll just enjoy what phdaisy's already blipping (over and over):

tweets o' the day

  • 08:43 I voted today. How about you? No excuse to sit on the sidelines this year: the stakes are way too high (no matter which side you're on)
  • 09:32 @astrout wow, that's HUGE news! congrats, my friend. You'll do great in the new gig!
  • 09:55 @phdaisy thanks for the blip of XTC this morning (
  • 18:39 just got another set of pix of our puppy at about 18 days old. eyes are open, but barely. what cuties!
  • 19:14 does anyone remember when ice cream came in half gallon containers? now they're all 1.5 quarts
  • 23:36 catching up with old friends found on Facebook. Struggling to encapsulate the last 12, 15, 20 years of my life in a few pithy paragraphs.
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Monday, October 20, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 14:56 birthday party with a baker's dozen little kids is mostly over. cake half gone, bouncy house still going strong
  • 18:14 Completely drained from keeping up appearances while battling this frickin' cold. Think it's an early bedtime for me tonight. and nyquil
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Sunday, October 19, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 06:54 Ready as I'll ever be for this morning's open water swim in the Bay. Meeting fellow swimmers at SF Aquatic Park in an hour.
  • 09:10 got my 1.5 km swim in the Bay. brrrr cold
  • 10:13 once my face numbed up about 400m into the swim, was quite enjoyable the rest of the way, seeing SF from water level
  • 19:39 Spent the afternoon playing darts, now eating dinner while watching the Sharks play the Flyers. Just doesn't get much better than this.
  • 21:38 think I'll be able to stay awake 'til the end of the game. Then it's bedtime to try to shake this cold.
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Saturday, October 18, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 08:36 feeling better this morning, but still feel the cold. Still plan to do an open water swim in SF Bay tomorrow, but no workout today
  • 08:59 @gapingvoid what kind of help do you need?
  • 09:53 Trying to create/modify templates in Word and it keeps crashing on me. the suck
  • 11:16 Got a surprise free pre-pub copy of "Tribes" from @sethgodin so just gave my pre-ordered copy away to a good friend/coworker. pay it forward
  • 12:27 @grundy count me in
  • 15:13 Go figure: Rejection Fosters Intuition. See
  • 15:57 wow. Cindy McCain's AGI in 2007: $4.2M see her tax return at
  • 15:59 $4.2M AGI and Cindy McCain still got a $954K refund in 2007. lucky her
  • 16:15 Plane-Crash Survivor Finishes Ironman Triathlon. This is what keeps me motivated.
  • 16:52 pausing to dispose of old and irrelevant work papers. Aside from the sneezing, a very cathartic process.
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Friday, October 17, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 08:50 hoping (against hope) I'm not catching the cold going 'round the playgrounds these days. just 3 weeks til my final triathlon of the season
  • 14:01 thankful to have such a great teammate working remotely who's happy help me in a pinch
  • 14:21 if this is how we treat Joe the Plumber, who the heck is ever going to step forward and ask a direct question again?
  • 15:25 strains of past, present and future swirling around my head today... in a good way.
  • 16:32 finally got my expense report submitted. no longer hanging over my head, now onto the next task...
  • 18:42 whatever was blocking my productivity seems to have cleared and I'm knocking things out one-by-one. Maybe it's the DayQuil helping?
  • 21:13 ther's live music in the pub where we're throwing darts. good but too loud for this old man. ear plugs in. ahhh
  • 21:19 @krob wha? ;-)
  • 22:30 wondering what's so special about today that so many ghosts from my past are reaching out to me to reconnect.
  • 22:56 @lpetrides i wish i knew :)
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Thursday, October 16, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 12:32 so much to do, so little time. Gotta be in SF by 2pm. I think I can I think I can I think I can.
  • 12:45 Watching the details come together on a Memorial tournament our dart league is planning for next month. So proud of the team's work already.
  • 16:49 enjoying the wonderful weather in SF in between meetings.
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 07:05 Happy Birthday, Hannah!
  • 09:35 @neddotcom thanks for doing such a thorough job live-tweeting the sessions you're attending @socap08
  • 12:58 OH walking to lunch "well, it really depends on what the county's extradition budget is..." my "problems" are so put in perspective now
  • 16:32 Getting ready to take my six-year-old out to her birthday dinner (I guess I'm no longer sneaking out early now that you all know I'm gone)
  • 19:08 birthday dinner was a success (corn dogs for dinner, oreo sundaes for dessert). Now "we're" watching her new Barbie DVD before bed
  • 22:29 what a fantastic win by the Sharks tonight. Great to see them win 4 in a row to start the season.
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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 09:23 @tiffanyvonemmel great to connect with you, too. Unfortunately, not at SoCap this week but will make time to come to SF to meet you both
  • 11:02 Just got a DUPLICATE copy of a glossy annual report sent from a nonprofit overseas. Such waste! think I'll ever give them money/attn? (no)
  • 11:56 Got my advance copy of @sethgodin's Tribes book, and there, on the inside flap of the cover is my picture! w00t! (4 rows down, 10 from left)
  • 14:42 popping +936 is a heckuva dead cat bounce, no? still, the cat is dead
  • 15:06 going to be moving up to the top floor of our office building in the near future. time to start thinning the vertical AND horizontal files
  • 15:44 The Economist's review of Obama's Recovery Plan: "has a last-pack-of-cigarettes-before-I-quit feel to it" My last pack was 10 yrs ago.
  • 16:40 looking forward to tonight's Silicon Valley Triathlon Club meeting. Guest speaker to talk about run training, which is the kind I need
  • 20:51 good SVTC meeting tonight. inspired to attend the group run training each Tuesday evening. got to get fast!
  • 22:16 got the balloon, card and gifts ready for my eldest's birthday tomorrow. She'll be 6. glad I've been able to keep her alive this long :)
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Monday, October 13, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 09:29 another great pancake breakfast with the kids while we let mommy sleep in.
  • 21:44 reminder to self: never turn off your cell phone's ringer and then misplace it: calling yourself doesn't help find it :(
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Sunday, October 12, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 07:18 up and at 'em early on a crisp Saturday morning in the Bay Area. leaving shortly for #barcampafrica at Google HQ
  • 09:31 #barcampafrica is in full swing here in building 43 at Google. @chep2m is kicking off things with a bit of structure before the chaos begins
  • 09:33 Have to say, the large group meeting space we're in here at Google is very well equipped audio/video. (not jealous at all) #barcampafrica
  • 09:34 watching a great GoogleEarth tour of the many topographies of Africa (will try to get link for it later). soundtrack rocks #barcampafrica
  • 09:40 Shannon Clark guiding us through the BarCamp format and its four principles #barcampafrica
  • 09:41 1. whoever comes are right people 2. whatever happens was only thing that could happen 3. when it starts it's the right time. #barcampafrica
  • 09:42 4. When it's over, it's over. The Law of Two Feet: you own your experience here today. go where you're interested & engage #barcampafrica
  • 09:47 yay! @sharakarasic is up front sharing how to capture the content of the day on the wiki at #barcampafrica
  • 09:49 We're shortening the tag to #bcafrica from #barcampafrica. We'll see how long it takes to make the switch (I'll lead the way, c u there)
  • 09:54 Come join in the wiki goodness at #bcafrica #barcampafrica
  • 09:57 Andrew McLaughlin talking about challenges with infrastructure in Africa. OLPCs are example of old school donor aid #bcafrica
  • 09:58 OLPCs crowd out the business opportunities. Pay attention to the ecosystem and help them build businesses, not subsidies #bcafrica
  • 09:59 idea for OLPC: open source the designs, allow local production, let them create the solution where they live #bcafrica
  • 10:04 The kickoff panel is about to start with @jerrymichalski leading it. we're in for a special time #bcafrica
  • 10:13 JM: Stress & shortage of resources perk up creativity. Today we'll hear all kinds of innovations. what to emulate? what not to? #bcafrica
  • 10:27 Follow the live Twitterstream from #BarCampAfrica at
  • 10:32 Know and respect the culture in which you are trying to make a difference #bcafrica
  • 10:33 know what the people you want to help actually want and need (may not be our original bright idea) #bcafrica
  • 10:33 what is in your heart & mind is much more important than what is in your wallet. but all 3 need be used to make a difference #bcafrica
  • 10:34 don't start anything in Africa, commit to be there for long term. too many have started something & then pulled out, dashing hope #bcafrica
  • 10:35 To succeed in Africa property rights must be respected, rules of the game need be set up for business #bcafrica
  • 10:36 @rachelpayne welcome to twitter! I'm following you #bcafrica
  • 10:37 @sharakarasic it takes a village :-) trying not to get lost in wiki-ness (yet)
  • 10:40 companies need to rethink biz models to fit the mobile devices and cultural diversity of low-income population #bcafrica
  • 10:42 question: where are local projects uploading their needs so we can assist where they're asking us? ONE ANSWER: #bcafrica
  • 10:44 much conviction in room that to understand how to help in Africa, you've really got to go there and speak with folks on the ground #bcafrica
  • 10:46 RT @temi2004: @BarCampAfrica more ideas on development in Africa could be born here today than there have over the last 3 months #bcafrica
  • 10:50 words of caution: "desire to help" isn't enough. what's your intent? what, specifically do you want to do? that's how to engage #bcafrica
  • 10:56 What's working? example is Project Baobob in Kenya educating young African women to create leaders #bcafrica
  • 10:59 is so nice to see the chorus of tweets helping capture the goings-on at BarCamp Africa - a nice rounded picture of the proceedings #bcafrica
  • 11:01 RT @neddotcom Once educated locally in Africa, it can be very hard to find a good paying job there #bcafrica
  • 11:11 first panel over, now about to create the grid of topics to discuss today. each of us responsible for creating an action item #bcafrica
  • 11:37 BarCamp Africa Session leaders: please remember to add your notes to the list of sessions on the wiki #bcafrica
  • 12:01 In the breakout session put on by the XPrize Fdn trying to build a $10M prize project re: creating wealth at bottom of pyramid #bcafrica
  • 12:02 getting a quick history of the XPrize Foundation origins (check the web site at #bcafrica
  • 12:05 All kinds of prize-driven successes: Trans-Altantic flight, chronometer, margerine and X-Prize's space flight prize #bcafrica
  • 12:05 XPRize: we're talking about how we change the way people think, exploring what's possible leveraging prize money into innovation #bcafrica
  • 12:06 XPrize: 2006: Genome decoding, 2007: moon travel, 2008: Automotive w/ 100mpg car (152 entries in this prize) #bcafrica
  • 12:07 XPrize: now want to bring model to global development realm, the 2-3B people who need a little bit of oomph to improve own lives #bcafrica
  • 12:09 XPrize: looking at six domains for development: agriculture, public health, IT/wireless, water/sanitation, transportation, and... #bcafrica
  • 12:11 XPrize: visualize a specific place in Africa & dream of what it should be like in 50-60 years. Design a prize (goal) to reach it. #bcafrica
  • 12:15 XPrize: anyone can win this prize, even someone in this room (of 30 people) or reading this Twitterstream #bcafrica
  • 12:16 XPrize: Big challenge is to create a tight set of rules around the competition, aim for a contest that takes 5-8 years to win #bcafrica
  • 12:16 XPrize: don't want something that can be solved in 3 years (challenge isn't hard enough), but do want it solve-able #bcafrica
  • 12:20 XPrize: 6th domain for development is financial systems. (what's the next microfinance? what's the next economic revolution?) #bcafrica
  • 12:23 XPrize: have an idea for this prize for creating wealth at the bottom of the pyramid? email it to pragnya [at] xprize [dot] org #bcafrica
  • 12:25 XPrize: crowd idea: Self-powered kitchens (place where food is stored and prepared) where no outside fuel (wood, coal) required #bcafrica
  • 12:34 I'm really surprised at how slow the PBwiki for BarCamp Africa is responding to edits (beware: wiki page names are CaseSensitive) #bcafrica
  • 12:58 Don't forget to post your #BarCampAfrica notes on the wiki: #bcafrica
  • 13:49 watching a kickass demo of Potenco's micro-grid electricity generating tech #bcafrica
  • 13:57 thinking of ways that the micr-grid tech can support domestic elec needs (disaster prep, outdoor mtgs, etc) #bcafrica
  • 14:20 in the Africa and Emerging Tech panel with @guykawasaki as moderator #bcafrica (Hi @planspark)
  • 14:22 watching @guykawasaki ride the panel hard on their quantity of powerpoint slides (caveat to all who follow) #bcafrica
  • 14:24 is very instructive watching @guykawasaki help entrepreneurs clarify their products in a way that relate to funders #bcafrica
  • 14:27 how are appfrica and Ushahidi funded? (thru revs from coding work and via a grant from Humanity United, respectively) #bcafrica
  • 14:33 strong distaste for white folks bringing aid to Africa, burning thru all the $$ driving around $50K trucks using $8/gal for naught #bcafrica
  • 14:37 Really encouraged to hear so much self-reported focus and prioritization of the sustainability of projects. #bcafrica
  • 14:39 surprised to hear that *default* interface with Google search in Africa is through mobile phones (not thru PC browser) #bcafrica
  • 14:43 @neddotcom (Mark) @lpetrides (Lisa) connecting you here in Twitter since the email intro re: rep systems will likely be even more delayed
  • 14:46 if you don't own it, you don't maintain it. This applies to situations around the world (in the US and abroad) #bcafrica
  • 14:51 Panelist reports whenever he'd give laptops away in Africa on each trip, they were never used (fear of breakage, lack of skills) #bcafrica
  • 14:52 seems to be general consensus on panel that the OLPC is another example of best intentions falling flat #bcafrica
  • 14:53 a poor person's number one need anywhere in the world is the ability to make more money #bcafrica
  • 14:54 Is cheap electric light a viable product (extends the day)? lighting is a money saving device, not a money-making device #bcafrica
  • 14:55 biz model for lighting in Africa: give away the lights and sell the charge instead (replaces kerosene costs). think razors/blades #bcafrica
  • 14:57 asked of panel by @guykawasaki: Thoughts on Kiva as a model? long pause... 1) "is a social loan", 2) likes model (a la Prosper) #bcafrica
  • 14:58 "Who'd have thought Kiva would outlast Lehman brothers?" observed by @guykawasaki #bcafrica
  • 15:00 @glennstrachan thanks for the @replies... remember I'm just the messenger of the panel's content here :-) #bcafrica
  • 15:02 asked by @Guykawasaki "I want to write a check, but I don't want to fly over to Africa, what do I do?" #bcafrica
  • 15:04 invest in local stock market? too abstract. buy an iPhone developer the iPhone he needs for testing #bcafrica
  • 15:04 Kiva gives a good platform to start. There are too many folks wanting to do good in Africa, but efforts not coordinated. #bcafrica
  • 15:05 If you just want to write a check, go with Kiva. If you actually want to help, engage in Africa #bcafrica
  • 15:07 Ideas from crowd: 1) give to an SME fund. 2) Invest in future of Africa (education) 3) to Kenyans for Peace, Truth & Justice #bcafrica
  • 15:11 Many folks stand up to say "best place to give $1000? my cause/organization" -- NGOs, BarCamp Ghana, EpicChange Inc, etc #bcafrica
  • 15:12 @planspark I wish for such a tool. I use LiveTwitter to reverse-chron my own tweets with links, etc, but it trails a day behind #bcafrica
  • 16:44 learning about African culture and dance from Jim Sowers. he should teach this to HS kids. makes african geog accessible themes #bcafrica
  • 16:48 Sowers rode a motorcycle from Cape Town to Cairo, DJ-ing the whole way with his 25 CDs of music mixes, burning copies for locals #bcafrica
  • 16:54 Sowers: USA isn't a melting pot, it's a salad bowl of ingredients contiguous but not amalgomated together #bcafrica
  • 16:55 Sowers: we need a culture-pedia to capture our cultural distinctions to share with all #bcafrica
  • 17:19 RT @makriese The Palin was booed LOUDLY when she dropped puck at Flyers' game.
  • 17:32 Watching the TED video of William Kamkwamba. see it here: #bcafrica
  • 17:34 See William Kamkwamba's Malawi Windmill blog here: (last updated March 08) #bcafrica
  • 17:40 You can see Kamkwamba's Moving Windmills video here: #bcafrica
  • 17:50 Meta: great to see #barcampafrica trending high on Twitter search now (#4 after Obama, LSU and redsox) #bcafrica
  • 17:52 @glennstrachan dontcha mean "THE Palin"? ;^)
  • 17:54 outcome of pumping water in the village instead of girls travelling 2hrs each day to get water? reclaimed time for schooling #bcafrica
  • 17:59 @temi2004 take a breather, you've earned it!
  • 18:03 raising chickens isn't as hard as one thinks: #bcafrica
  • 18:05 rec reading: "All Things Must Fight to Live" re: Congo
  • 18:13 see to see where William's in school now #bcafrica
  • 18:58 great to be at BarCampAfrica today. good job @chep2m et all. thanks for tweeting, every1 #bcafrica
  • 21:59 @itgirl great to see you, too. let's not let as much time pass before the next time
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Saturday, October 11, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 08:27 great to wake up and watch the sun rise over the vineyard outside my window. beautiful day in Sonoma
  • 08:49 at day 2 of #ocs08 listening to quick pitches and watching a certain someone struggle to eat his breakfast (you know who you are)
  • 09:25 happy the Sharks won so handily last night. Good to be undefeated this season!
  • 09:52 Rohit Bhargava and Alex Kaplinsky talking about Boundaries: How to navigate a web of falling walls #ocs08
  • 09:53 Rohit: demos the project "Voices of the Olympic Games" where 100 Olympians who didn't blog prior to games were shown how to blog #ocs08
  • 09:55 Rohit: site Aggregates multiple publishing tools: blog, tweets, flickr, etc in one place. is this what we should be doing more of? #ocs08
  • 09:56 Alex: don't live within your community, enlarge your community by leveraging others' existing communities (see: TiVo FB app) #ocs08
  • 09:57 @cwolz wish you were here at #ocs08, glad will see you in a couple weeks anyway
  • 09:59 Alex: if the wider social web is eating into your market, find it and leverage it rather than fight it. (see: Flickr FB printing app) #ocs08
  • 10:08 it's awfully hard to live-tweet a conf when the wifi is unstable :(
  • 10:11 lively discussion re: aggregating content from disparate communities and whether it works or not for hosts and for users #ocs08
  • 10:13 Questions around what are incentives to "sharing" content across multiple properties? #ocs08
  • 10:14 discussion of the (failed) Yahoo aggregation of Wii themed content - just did a tag crawl and commty rebelled #ocs08
  • 10:17 wisdom from @astrout saying: give them a compelling reason to come back, but don't get in their way of using other sites/tools. #ocs08
  • 10:18 the notion that you "own a user is dead. #ocs08
  • 10:19 think "curation" of good content, not just "aggregation" and editor is a curator #ocs08
  • 10:23 Rohit recommends RadianSix as a tool to monitor usage of aggregated content #ocs08
  • 10:43 discussing whether you default walls up or down in creating a commty. caveat: even when want them down, Telecoms may overrule #ocs08
  • 10:53 @lpetrides I'm a big fan of aggregation as a way to enable better curators to emerge within the community. glad tide is turning #ocs08
  • 10:57 Rohit: volume is not, nor should it be, the metric we should be paying attention to re: community engagement #ocs08
  • 11:36 sitting in the community metrics breakout, led by Joe Cothrel, going around the group finding out why folks are in the breakout #ocs08
  • 11:39 metrics: interests in ROI, value measurement, automated analytics tools, what folks are measuring, actionable data, trends #ocs08
  • 11:45 @astrout you've been making me consider repositioning the handle as I(nfo)T(ech)'s thomas not "it's thomas, not tom" happy accidents #ocs08
  • 11:45 metrics: interests in health index, engagement index, how use metrics to sell concept to sr mgmt, what's being measured and why #ocs08
  • 11:46 metrics: interests in how do metrics set a story. without the story, the numbers are worthless. biz doesn't function without numbers #ocs08
  • 11:50 metrics: interests in quantifying the qualitative (is it possible?) #ocs08
  • 11:51 metrics: health metrics answers: is this commty growing? is there user value? how much valuable interaction is going on? #ocs08
  • 11:53 metrics: operational metrics are the things we commty mgr folks care about but pure business folks don't necessarily understand #ocs08
  • 11:57 metrics: trending metrics tell which direction are we going? diagnostic metrics tell what should I do next? #ocs08
  • 11:58 metrics: what could replace "page views" as the metric of first resort as the grossest metric of massive use? #ocs08
  • 12:00 metrics: replacement for page view? "gross action by user" and that's gross as in count, not gross as in ewww #ocs08
  • 12:04 metrics: collins (MS) stated up front: get ready for page views to go down, as we're getting into a targeted group, so riffraff gone #ocs08
  • 12:07 metrics: must be clear up front what you're tracking and why (so they'll not panic when certain long-loved metrics go down) #ocs08
  • 12:07 metrics: Remember when we use to measure "hits" to our sites? how did we flip to measuring page views (monetization)? lessons there? #ocs08
  • 12:09 metrics: what's the property we'll monetize in communities? (banner ads sure aren't effective). FB leading the (fumbling) way on this #ocs08
  • 12:10 metrics: as the Tail gets longer, the definition of Scale changes. 200 really engaged folks more valuable than 20,000 passive folks #ocs08
  • 12:11 @davekim your avatar looks so familiar. feel like we showed up to the party wearing the same outfit
  • 12:13 metrics: counting memberships: if have a low barrier to entry but a high barrier to stay, clear out those inactives for a true count #ocs08
  • 12:16 @jfinlayson: I think passive community = traditional audience and is a diff beast entirely(shouldn't we segment them out?) #ocs08
  • 12:17 metrics: do you put a dollar value on community? how do you get to dollars? build the model, then track all actions to that model #ocs08
  • 12:19 metrics: look for pattern of behaviors and track those behaviors to know where $ is made off specific patterns. lots of data, but = $ #ocs08
  • 12:20 metrics: when calculating ROI for community, look at indirect effects, not just direct effects. move the transitive value along chain #ocs08
  • 12:21 metrics: ROI models focus on participants? wrong tack. It's the consumers of participant's content that generate revs #ocs08
  • 12:22 metrics: having SOME numbers is better than no numbers (can at least debate the number) #ocs08
  • 12:23 metrics: advice: whenever presenting numbers, also present quotes from the members alongside #ocs08
  • 12:28 metrics: quality = health metrics. when Companies ask "what do our customers care about?" give the customers the tools to tell them #ocs08
  • 12:29 metrics: Mzinga does commty audit: numbers, what they mean, subjective tone as reported by those active in managing commty #ocs08
  • 12:32 metrics: thinking of surveys: do a big deep survey infrequently, or light surveys more often? depends on desire for trending data #ocs08
  • 12:36 metrics: notes there's a dearth of good community experience design consultants, it's hard enough to find good web UI designers #ocs08
  • 15:06 wifi down again at #ocs08. grrr
  • 15:13 Tana: 3 Billion mobile subscribers, and the mobile device is the most social, personal and intelligent device we'll ever own #ocs08
  • 15:14 Tana: What are some goals of mobile strategies? myriad: alerts, read-only, content creation, ambient awareness, real-world meetups #ocs08
  • 15:15 Tana: it's about coverage v fidelity, can't do all of it all at once. #ocs08
  • 15:16 Tana: Things are getting easier: Open platforms and carrier independence. Mobile web improvements. Consumer awareness. #ocs08
  • 15:18 Perey: reiterates: the platforms are different between PC and mobile and the businesses are very different between PC and mobile. #ocs08
  • 15:20 Perey: Mobile v PC: diff screens, diff network providers, diff inputs, diff socioeconomic strata (all v some) #ocs08
  • 15:21 Perey: mobile interfaces and UX: list-centric, social media centric, map/location-centric, time/temporal-centric, avatars #ocs08
  • 15:23 Perey: mobile Ux (cont) greater use of voice (no spell-chek needed!), greater use of GPS and camera #ocs08
  • 15:26 Perey: the future: stronger emphasis on the user's context and content. #ocs08
  • 15:27 Perey: the future is in anticipatory services: where will you be going, what will you want to find. #ocs08
  • 15:28 Perey: the future is in immersive, blended realities powered by mobile in embedded visual displays (crowd applause) #ocs08
  • 15:29 Perey: biz models: social shopping (share experience, save money/time, high emphasis on finding/comparing, transactions) #ocs08
  • 15:30 Perey: mobile biz models: virtual goods and product placement, integration of place where people and things meet #ocs08
  • 15:34 Tana: your phone address book is a (potential) mobile social network #ocs08
  • 15:38 @jesca your hair looks great! (you need to smile more)
  • 15:59 thus concludes the content portion of Online Community Summit. thanks all for tweeting this gathering with me! #ocs08
  • 17:32 rolling the dice and driving home thru SF now. hope rush hour traffic is kind
  • 18:37 wow, just filled up with premium gas at $3.69 a gallon in Larkspur. full tank only cost $50
  • 20:53 made it home to Redwood City in good time, including a stop north of the GG bridge for some photos at sunset. Got to kiss my girls goodnight
  • 20:54 @neddotcom welcome to CA, and look forward to seeing you at #barcampafrica tomorrow!
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Friday, October 10, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 06:24 leaving to drive up to Sonoma for #ocs2008 with a stop at Peets on the way
  • 07:25 for those of us who don't drive it every day, the Golden Gate bridge at dawn is breathtaking
  • 08:13 made it to Sonoma in 90 minutes. traffic was very light (going north at least)
  • 09:09 Jim Cashel's starting up the Online Collaboration for Social Good session at #ocs2008
  • 09:18 going around the room with intros. Lots of online community experience to be shared here (and a few newbies, too) #ocs2008
  • 09:22 changing tags to #ocs08 from #ocs2008
  • 09:25 Starting up the session on "Transparency and Development" with Owen Barder (aidinfo) and Paul King (Gates Fdn) #ocs08
  • 09:26 Barder: tradition at intl conferences: Americans start with a joke, English start with an apology. #ocs08
  • 09:27 Barder: wants smart folks on West Coast to create the applications that will make the accountability work happen #ocs08
  • 09:29 Barder: shows feedback cycle in domestic taxes to services loop. Shows broken feedback cycle in foreign assistance: isn't as good #ocs08
  • 09:32 Barder: Uganda in '91-'95, only 13% of ed funds made it to schools. info campaign results: in '01, 80% of funds made it to schools #ocs08
  • 09:34 Barder: in Sept 08, 12 major donors signed International Aid Transparency Initiative putting resources toward making info available #ocs08
  • 09:35 Barder: his group (aidinfo) will help this group figure out the standards and processes to do so #ocs08
  • 09:36 Barder: aidinfo be putting this aid transparency data into a cloud so that multiple audiences can access as they see fit #ocs08
  • 09:37 Barder: Looks to the (software) dev community to help create novel apps to help present the data to diverse audiences #ocs08
  • 09:38 @scottmoore thanks for the shout-out
  • 09:39 Barder: Owen is dealing with the donor interface encouraging them to share the data, his faith is that smart things will happen #ocs08
  • 09:40 Barder: This is our oppty to prove him right and create the fantastic apps with this new transparency #ocs08
  • 09:43 King: Gates Fdn doesn't like NDAs and won't participate in conferences that require NDAs. #ocs08
  • 09:43 King: There is, however, tension between data transparency and confidentiality, and it can't be minimized, but it should be noted #ocs08
  • 09:44 King: Invokes image from Raiders of the Lost Ark and the Ark itself getting wheeled away into a huge govt warehouse at movie end #ocs08
  • 09:45 King: Don't warehouse the data, let it be free. But data by itself is pretty useless. Need tools to help people decide based on data #ocs08
  • 09:46 King: Important Questions to consider: is the data accessible? do we know where it comes from? can we trust it? #ocs08
  • 09:47 King: there's a huge gap between what data's available and how we effectively use the data, and that gap only continues to grow #ocs08
  • 09:50 Specific apps Barder would like: mashups of data and maps to help people understand WHAT is (or isn't) happening WHERE #ocs08
  • 09:55 Another Barder app wish: Coordinate decentralized efforts of global community groups closing feedback loops on the aid flows #ocs08
  • 09:59 Projects for Barder helpers to know of: Open Street Maps, (ways to scrape data, process it, visualize it), #ocs08
  • 10:01 Don't forget Open Library Project (not as good on the "how" but great at processing requests for digitizing info in public domain) #ocs08
  • 10:04 @lpetrides I abandoned Twemes and am following #ocs08 on
  • 10:05 @itgirl thanks for tagging the sites mentioned in delicious. for now, follow #ocs08 on
  • 10:07 Also pointed out that a great data set repository is growing at #ocs08
  • 10:09 King: the area of "visual analytics" is helping unlock so much information trapped in data. Dept of Homeland Security out front here #ocs08
  • 10:10 King: the toolsets we have to pull insights out of data are amazing. Important to provide access to ordinary folk for new insights #ocs08
  • 10:13 Skoll Fdn along with Acumen Fund, and Salesforce to create PDMS: a standard data system for social metrics reporting #ocs08
  • 10:14 #ocs08 PDMS info from CGI site:
  • 10:19 #ocs08 ubyou mobile social network in South Africa is ripe for mining to get feedback on how aid is working:
  • 10:19 @peterkaminski wish you were here at #ocs08 with us!
  • 10:22 Barder is not working in a space where info needs be held confidential: Dev Aid is almost all public money ergo SHOULD be transparent #ocs08
  • 10:26 questions around how we get at issue of data quality esp concerning mashups of dev data. Need to leverage wisdom of crowds for this #ocs08
  • 10:27 Barder: currently DAC is the org that verifies data sub'd by govts and others. Need to find a way to incorporate/filter this feed #ocs08
  • 10:28 Barder: need to move away from model of a single expert verifying data & move toward many eyes verifying from own bias, in aggregate #ocs08
  • 10:33 @katrinskaya tweeted a comment from someone saying ubyou SHOULD be mined (didn't provide right context, sorry)
  • 11:04 @katrinskaya maybe the chinese can help ;^)
  • 11:06 @dwitzel kicking off the second session this morning re community in the production of Free Open Source Software (FOSS) #ocs08
  • 11:15 JGay: 4 freedoms of FS movement: free software use it however like, examine it and change it, share it #ocs08
  • 11:17 JGay: Visit Kelty's to learn about the notion of "recursive public" #ocs08
  • 11:19 JGay: Kelty says four components can apply to any project that lives on the web. 1) shared principles, 2) transparency into project #ocs08
  • 11:22 JGay: his project is an example of FS approach, where he could hand keys to user who then made dev wiki better #ocs08
  • 11:23 JGay: 3) community, the human element of project, 4) copyleft: "power greater than us" -- how you make it all legal #ocs08
  • 11:25 JGay: a "recursive public" creates not only a tool but a process that allows group to innovate and strive to "do it right" #ocs08
  • 11:27 Petrides: ISKME has been working 6 yrs in the area of info sharing, data use, transparency, etc #ocs08
  • 11:28 Petrides: Giving a driveby of Open Education movement. OE motivated by Open Source mvmt (Hewlett Fdn kickstarted OE with $$ yrs ago) #ocs08
  • 11:29 Petrides: an imperative for education, moving beyond ed as a static one-way exchange of info (teacher not just a delivery vehicle) #ocs08
  • 11:30 Petrides: must bridge formal and informal learning environments, moving beyond the classroom, knowing how we're connected w people. #ocs08
  • 11:32 Petrides: adding value thru continuous transformation of resources -- require alternative licensing and re-authoring platforms/models #ocs08
  • 11:34 Petrides: feedback loop of OER: sharing teaching strategies, commenting on experience, collaborating, training/mentoring #ocs08
  • 11:34 Petrides: Great recent example of adding to the knowledge base: Flickr adding Library of Congress' historical image collection #ocs08
  • 11:35 Petrides: Facilitationg scholarship: Public Library of Science's access to scholarly journals. Incorporating Geo data in content #ocs08
  • 11:37 Petrides: OER Commons has freely available educational materials that are easy to find ( #ocs08
  • 11:38 Petrides: Free High School Science Text -- online peer production of free math and science textbooks for South African classrooms. #ocs08
  • 11:40 Petrides: FHSST shows how you can go from grassroots effort to motivating Dept of Ed into action. #ocs08
  • 11:41 Petrides: Cape Town Declaration ( sets the goal of creating global access to the sum of all human knowledge #ocs08
  • 11:47 How does textbook industry interface with the OER project? in many strategic ways, & innovative publishers are incorporating OER work #ocs08
  • 11:48 Petrides: Community College students spend 75% of their education $$ on textbooks and many drop out due to these textbook costs #ocs08
  • 11:57 Happy to see my Urban Chickens blog featured on Christian Science Monitor's Bright Green blog:
  • 12:01 I'm failing to capture the commentary re: parallels/challenges in "free/open" approaches in other sectors. look to tag stream instead #ocs08
  • 14:28 After struggling mightily to get an IP address, I'm finally back online. now, to tweet from the 7th Annual Online Commty Summit. #ocs08
  • 14:29 Laurel Touby and Marty Collins talking about Building Value: Proven strategies for community growth and success #ocs08
  • 14:29 Touby: building community takes a long time, it's not an overnight thing. #ocs08
  • 14:33 Touby: has members of the community managing others in the community #ocs08
  • 14:34 Touby: know that you're building relationships that you'll eventually be able to get value from based on the work put in #ocs08
  • 14:37 Collins: manages the Windows community at Microsoft. Says MS is very good at community in the developer space. #ocs08
  • 14:38 Collins: wanted to start a consumer commty. consumer commty and dev commty can't use same tools. How to approach? via engagement mktg #ocs08
  • 14:39 Collins: The MS end action is a license, not a product (consumers don't see diff between Dell and Windows, is all in one to them) #ocs08
  • 14:42 Collins: Since end action is license, is hard to know how product is used. With engagment marketing plan, took 6mos to get ok and $$ #ocs08
  • 14:43 Collins: goal was to make community experience as simple as Amazon or in creating aggregation model of RSS feeds #ocs08
  • 14:43 Collins: didn't want to force others to have to publish in yet another place, leverage what they were already doing #ocs08
  • 14:44 Collins: looking how to roll out from Windows Live to and other consumer products. How do they play nice in same sandbox? #ocs08
  • 14:45 Boudy: What is diff between user group and community? #ocs08
  • 14:46 answers: 1) community is broader than user group. 2) simply diff terms of engagement. 3) UG is permeable subset of commty #ocs08
  • 14:50 Collins: MS exploring a crisp articulate dashboard. Nods of recognition in room about "sure, don't we all?" #ocs08
  • 14:52 health metrics/health index might measure activities you want them to do, frequency, recency, tenure, clicks, newsletter activity #ocs08
  • 14:55 #ocs08 attendees (in-person only), see the full list of "topics we each want to talk about" on the wiki:
  • 15:02 at MS: Help/Support group scored on how they help people resolve questions. (diff metric than Live commty) #ocs08
  • 15:03 MS has a portable identity with LiveID, would like to have a reputation/ratings system that ports from one commty to the next #ocs08
  • 15:09 @cshirky you mean you weren't asking me to drop you a line?
  • 15:11 @frandallfarmer must be a slow backchannel afternoon for #ocs08 to pop like it has
  • 15:17 Collins reminds us: community is NOT a cheap endeavor. Look to how you're lowering customer support model as a sign of success #ocs08
  • 15:24 Collins: the most powerful conversation about your product is between two consumers (pro/con) where your staff doesn't have to engage #ocs08
  • 16:06 trivia question: non-European country withhighest wine consumption per capita. Answer: Argentina #ocs08
  • 16:10 Alan Crosby (Sony) and Mario Anima (Current TV) talking about Entertainment: Lessons applicable to all communities. #ocs08
  • 16:10 Crosby: Sony Four words in strategy for community: engage, inform, educate entertain #ocs08
  • 16:12 Crosby: don't forget to use your newsletter as an entertainment opportunity with your community #ocs08
  • 16:14 Crosby: you HAVE to have an offtopic forum in your community, give em a place to talk about things having nothing to do with your co #ocs08
  • 16:18 Anima: Current TV lowered barrier to entry to for folks to influence content on site, most popular hourly crosses over to TV newscast #ocs08
  • 16:19 Anima: have created multiple tracks to allow community to participate in different ways on Current properties #ocs08
  • 16:19 Anima: Current TV tenet: online participation + television = participatory entertainment #ocs08
  • 16:24 Anima: caveat that "most popular" does NOT always equal "most interesting" (yes, there's a filter from .com to TV) #ocs08
  • 16:28 for those who care, it looks like is finally updating #ocs08
  • 16:43 Anima: talking about how to deal with complainers creatively and not just give them short shrift. they may turn hiighly productive #ocs08
  • 16:46 bummed wifi is gone. resorting to thumbled (thumb + fumbled) BB tweets #ocs08
  • 16:49 give space to allow user-gen entertainment to happen and participate in it. #ocs08
  • 16:50 btw, all my #ocs08 tweets are not a sign of OCD, thxbye ;)
  • 16:56 relieved to be back on wifi, thx @dwitzel for your wifi wizardry and the new base station, to boot. #ocs08
  • 16:58 what we (business-based community) have to figure out for employees is a unified culture with multiple voices, not a single voice #ocs08
  • 17:00 and this ends the highly structured part of the Summit for today. Next up: networking events. Look for social news report outs on #ocs08
  • 17:07 bummed to miss this evening's season opener for the Sharks. Glad my better half (@makriese) is going to be there to cheer them on
  • 19:31 all cleaned up from a great 5-mile run at dusk thru vineyards around town of Sonoma. now to dinner & networking
  • 20:42 sharks game is on in the bar, i can't see it from my seat tho :-(
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Thursday, October 09, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 07:45 @gwachob no worries on the "weird" thing :)
  • 07:52 one more busy day in the office and then it's off to Online Community Summit (Th-F) followed by #barcampafrica (Sat). whew
  • 10:21 Common sense to leverage/enable retweeting: your message length = 140 characters - "RT @yourtwittername"
  • 13:15 Hanging onto the glow of a great project kick-off meeting with Exponent Partners (Rem, Kathy and Peter)
  • 14:10 @mstohner revolution
  • 15:54 @rodot the moment's gone, back to work!
  • 16:05 We win! Share in the $100K pot by picking the Presidential election results correctly on Predictify:
  • 16:40 Displeased with TriNet's inability to match faxed receipts to online claims. They make it hard to check match/claim status. Intentionally?
  • 16:44 @mickki if I lived there, I'd be there with you all
  • 17:26 setting the sails on a boat for the first time in 5 years. excited and nervous, too. our race starts at 5:52
  • 19:01 back at the dock. fun, fast race. watching the space station pass overhead in the Eastern sky
  • 19:54 really enjoyed connecting with a long-time coworker on a whole new level today out on the water and psot-sailing. bright futures!.
  • 23:03 Excited to head to #ocs2008 at the crack of dawn. hopefully not so excited that I don't sleep tonight
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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 09:05 Looks like we might be able to pick up our new puppy (goldendoodle: a retriever/poodle mix) the weekend before Thanksgiving. Can't wait.
  • 09:42 RT @Pistachio: Survey about "automatic DM" responses when you follow someone new. We'll publish the findings.
  • 10:25 the contract is signed and delivered (no seals needed). Itching to get our salesforce implementation project up and running.
  • 14:08 RT @sharakarasic Tag @barcampafrica tweets with #barcampafrica. Blog posts, Flickr photos etc. "barcampafrica"
  • 15:25 To get a MotionBased paid subscription? Not yet fully Mac-compatible, but enough so it may be worth it, even now near end of 2008 Tri season
  • 17:33 sad the "home" button on Socialtext has changed functionality to go to my Socialtext dashboard (new) instead of my wiki's home (as before)
  • 21:42 Lewis Black was on fire tonight on the Daily Show. Haven't laughed that hard in a long time
  • 21:52 Appreciate the high touch response to my @socialtext tweet earlier. Great to know folks are listening and replying. Thx @ross
  • 22:36 Where do you go to find advice and direction on how to successfully host an online community for users living in the Global South?
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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 08:04 Happy to report I'm not too sore after yesterday's race. The power of the ice bath strikes again!
  • 10:22 RT @Mlsif #keating5 video is explosive. This is the Daisy ad of this election.
  • 12:08 wow, the morning flew by. time to seek out lunch
  • 12:44 it pains me to receive high-production printed material sent from a nonprofit based overseas. what a misappropriation of funds
  • 15:18 Thinking it may be a good time to re-read Mackay's "Extraordinary Popular Delusions & the Madness of Crowds"
  • 15:30 @bradrourke color me green with envy. you going to hang out on the floor or head upstairs?
  • 16:42 @bradrourke go ahead, keep rubbing it in... I hope you get showered in sweat and spittle tonight!
  • 17:39 previewing Zimbra before we migrate over. Having wicked Outlook flashbacks after having been locked in Mac Mail/Meeting Maker for 5+ years
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Monday, October 06, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 06:28 headed out the door to the race. starts in 90 minutes
  • 07:15 i wonder how many of the bands playing early this morning said wtf, let's pull an all-nighter
  • 07:16 last pre-race tweet. see you at the finish line
  • 11:10 hanging around the finish area. did my half marathonhon just under 1:56:00
  • 11:42 unofficial chip time is 1:55:49 and finished 2232 overall (of 13k runners). happy with the results
  • 17:31 got new tires put on the minivan at Costco. Not best place to kick up one's heels with a book. Resisted urge to buy stuff I just don't need
  • 19:27 went out for a celebratory dinner at Fresh Choice with the family. Home again and I think I'm going to be going to bed early tonight!
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Sunday, October 05, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 10:56 van's getting its service done, I'm at a packed Peets in downtown Redwood City catching up on my feeds. off to get my race packet next
  • 11:00 @dangillmor if you're still taking funny Palin remix suggestions:
  • 12:54 just picked up my race packet. I'm bib #6089, in corral #4. bonus: 20% off coupon at Sports Basement!
  • 16:11 RT @eriksr You can remix Palin yourself here:
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Saturday, October 04, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 08:39 filling up with the cheapest gas since March: $3.89/gal for premium
  • 08:56 @jesca wishing you a speedy recovery. Is no fun at all being sick as a parent.
  • 11:49 I'm starved: a dangerous way to go to lunch
  • 13:44 looking forward to the rain coming down tonight. Has been over 200 days since the last measurable rainfall in San Jose.
  • 14:47 @mitchellmckenna just went thru a similar BB8830 problem myself. Turns out my phone had moisture in it. DM your email addy & I can 'splain
  • 21:46 @locoups you're only as old as you think you are. be young for a night!
  • 21:47 signing my Rock n Roll Half Marathon Waiver. Picking up my race packet tomorrow for the run Sunday morning. so excited
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Friday, October 03, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 08:54 walked kid to school this AM as usual. Returned home to find wife gone, door locked and me with no key. Glad i had my phone on me
  • 12:08 Enjoyed @pierre doing extemporaneous Q&A today in our staff meeting. Reminded again just how great it is to work here at Omidyar Network
  • 12:30 and a litter is born. one of the breeders we've talked with shared news of 11 new puppies last night. the poor b*tch must be exhausted
  • 13:41 @redwoodcityvote where is your money coming from for the "No on W" campaign?
  • 14:28 wishing I could have an all-in-one "mark as read AND archive" button in gmail (or at least find out where the function is hidden)
  • 15:42 Wow, AOL Hometown, the home page publishing site I birthed at AOL is finally closing down on 10/31/08. A helluva ten year run for it.
  • 17:46 feel like I've got ADD today what with all the multitasking. Gotta focus this evening on one thing: throw good darts. A beer should help.
  • 22:10 happy to watch the post-debate analysis 140 char at a time. throwing good darts, too
  • 00:06 hooray! we won our dart match tonight, and I won my individual matches to boot. We're no longer in the basement of the standings
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Thursday, October 02, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 09:06 at the office, email app not connecting, but browser works fine. gotta love the gremlins in the infrastructure.
  • 09:09 new chapter in the "I'll get back to ya" chronicles: Palin can't name a newspaper she reads:
  • 10:33 @khopper thanks for the link to the Public Media 2009 Conference wiki! Look forward to watching it grow.
  • 11:35 heh, new definition of WASP: Woman Against Sarah Palin (someone's handle in the WSJ blog comments)
  • 14:56 wondering if the breeder got our deposit for a puppy in the litter to be born mid-month
  • 23:16 long day coming to an end. looking forward to the morning's run.
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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 10:12 woke up before dawn to run four miles this morning. Tapering this week with just a two-miler on Thursday before Sunday's half marathon.
  • 13:31 thankful today is the last day of KQED public radio's funding drive
  • 14:16 appreciating good receptionist skills
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