Tuesday, October 21, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 08:43 I voted today. How about you? No excuse to sit on the sidelines this year: the stakes are way too high (no matter which side you're on)
  • 09:32 @astrout wow, that's HUGE news! congrats, my friend. You'll do great in the new gig!
  • 09:55 @phdaisy thanks for the blip of XTC this morning (blip.fm/profile/phdaisy/blip/830295)
  • 18:39 just got another set of pix of our puppy at about 18 days old. eyes are open, but barely. what cuties!
  • 19:14 does anyone remember when ice cream came in half gallon containers? now they're all 1.5 quarts
  • 23:36 catching up with old friends found on Facebook. Struggling to encapsulate the last 12, 15, 20 years of my life in a few pithy paragraphs.
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