Wednesday, October 29, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 08:40 having a hard time finding sympathy for those whose "Yes on Prop 8" signs have gone missing. I guess disappeared bigotry is ok by me.
  • 09:12 Planning an open water swim in SF Bay this weekend. Looks like it's going to be raining when I do. I hope I don't get too wet ;)
  • 09:57 @googleatwork I follow Gmail blog & Google LatLong blog. what could be better? more stories about how others are using the tools creatively
  • 10:09 desperate to get my Google Reader under 1000+ unread items. Not to the point of the nuclear "mark all read" option (yet)
  • 10:14 @jsb not jealous of your ride. at all. nope. not me.
  • 10:37 @neddotcom can't find that discussion you were looking for. so frustrating that the search isn't any better. maybe it was in your pers news?
  • 11:04 doing a recap of 2008 to plot the trajectory/budget for 2009. Will also help my new manager and I get on the same page. Ah, business tools
  • 12:06 the call I was scheduled to take while driving to SF was canceled. Now I can catch up on my podcasts-in-waiting instead.
  • 12:24 Would be great to have the option to see my profile on FB like others do (Friends, Friends of Friends, Limited, etc). maybe I already can?
  • 13:04 realizing how badly I want my girls growing up with a black family in the White House as their norm
  • 20:46 Sharks are playing great. Penguins goalie is playing out of his mind.
  • 21:38 this is some crazy fun Sharks hockey game.
  • 21:41 so happy to see Mike Grier score the insurance goal with 6 min to go.
  • 21:52 Sharks win!
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