Friday, October 10, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 06:24 leaving to drive up to Sonoma for #ocs2008 with a stop at Peets on the way
  • 07:25 for those of us who don't drive it every day, the Golden Gate bridge at dawn is breathtaking
  • 08:13 made it to Sonoma in 90 minutes. traffic was very light (going north at least)
  • 09:09 Jim Cashel's starting up the Online Collaboration for Social Good session at #ocs2008
  • 09:18 going around the room with intros. Lots of online community experience to be shared here (and a few newbies, too) #ocs2008
  • 09:22 changing tags to #ocs08 from #ocs2008
  • 09:25 Starting up the session on "Transparency and Development" with Owen Barder (aidinfo) and Paul King (Gates Fdn) #ocs08
  • 09:26 Barder: tradition at intl conferences: Americans start with a joke, English start with an apology. #ocs08
  • 09:27 Barder: wants smart folks on West Coast to create the applications that will make the accountability work happen #ocs08
  • 09:29 Barder: shows feedback cycle in domestic taxes to services loop. Shows broken feedback cycle in foreign assistance: isn't as good #ocs08
  • 09:32 Barder: Uganda in '91-'95, only 13% of ed funds made it to schools. info campaign results: in '01, 80% of funds made it to schools #ocs08
  • 09:34 Barder: in Sept 08, 12 major donors signed International Aid Transparency Initiative putting resources toward making info available #ocs08
  • 09:35 Barder: his group (aidinfo) will help this group figure out the standards and processes to do so #ocs08
  • 09:36 Barder: aidinfo be putting this aid transparency data into a cloud so that multiple audiences can access as they see fit #ocs08
  • 09:37 Barder: Looks to the (software) dev community to help create novel apps to help present the data to diverse audiences #ocs08
  • 09:38 @scottmoore thanks for the shout-out
  • 09:39 Barder: Owen is dealing with the donor interface encouraging them to share the data, his faith is that smart things will happen #ocs08
  • 09:40 Barder: This is our oppty to prove him right and create the fantastic apps with this new transparency #ocs08
  • 09:43 King: Gates Fdn doesn't like NDAs and won't participate in conferences that require NDAs. #ocs08
  • 09:43 King: There is, however, tension between data transparency and confidentiality, and it can't be minimized, but it should be noted #ocs08
  • 09:44 King: Invokes image from Raiders of the Lost Ark and the Ark itself getting wheeled away into a huge govt warehouse at movie end #ocs08
  • 09:45 King: Don't warehouse the data, let it be free. But data by itself is pretty useless. Need tools to help people decide based on data #ocs08
  • 09:46 King: Important Questions to consider: is the data accessible? do we know where it comes from? can we trust it? #ocs08
  • 09:47 King: there's a huge gap between what data's available and how we effectively use the data, and that gap only continues to grow #ocs08
  • 09:50 Specific apps Barder would like: mashups of data and maps to help people understand WHAT is (or isn't) happening WHERE #ocs08
  • 09:55 Another Barder app wish: Coordinate decentralized efforts of global community groups closing feedback loops on the aid flows #ocs08
  • 09:59 Projects for Barder helpers to know of: Open Street Maps, (ways to scrape data, process it, visualize it), #ocs08
  • 10:01 Don't forget Open Library Project (not as good on the "how" but great at processing requests for digitizing info in public domain) #ocs08
  • 10:04 @lpetrides I abandoned Twemes and am following #ocs08 on
  • 10:05 @itgirl thanks for tagging the sites mentioned in delicious. for now, follow #ocs08 on
  • 10:07 Also pointed out that a great data set repository is growing at #ocs08
  • 10:09 King: the area of "visual analytics" is helping unlock so much information trapped in data. Dept of Homeland Security out front here #ocs08
  • 10:10 King: the toolsets we have to pull insights out of data are amazing. Important to provide access to ordinary folk for new insights #ocs08
  • 10:13 Skoll Fdn along with Acumen Fund, and Salesforce to create PDMS: a standard data system for social metrics reporting #ocs08
  • 10:14 #ocs08 PDMS info from CGI site:
  • 10:19 #ocs08 ubyou mobile social network in South Africa is ripe for mining to get feedback on how aid is working:
  • 10:19 @peterkaminski wish you were here at #ocs08 with us!
  • 10:22 Barder is not working in a space where info needs be held confidential: Dev Aid is almost all public money ergo SHOULD be transparent #ocs08
  • 10:26 questions around how we get at issue of data quality esp concerning mashups of dev data. Need to leverage wisdom of crowds for this #ocs08
  • 10:27 Barder: currently DAC is the org that verifies data sub'd by govts and others. Need to find a way to incorporate/filter this feed #ocs08
  • 10:28 Barder: need to move away from model of a single expert verifying data & move toward many eyes verifying from own bias, in aggregate #ocs08
  • 10:33 @katrinskaya tweeted a comment from someone saying ubyou SHOULD be mined (didn't provide right context, sorry)
  • 11:04 @katrinskaya maybe the chinese can help ;^)
  • 11:06 @dwitzel kicking off the second session this morning re community in the production of Free Open Source Software (FOSS) #ocs08
  • 11:15 JGay: 4 freedoms of FS movement: free software use it however like, examine it and change it, share it #ocs08
  • 11:17 JGay: Visit Kelty's to learn about the notion of "recursive public" #ocs08
  • 11:19 JGay: Kelty says four components can apply to any project that lives on the web. 1) shared principles, 2) transparency into project #ocs08
  • 11:22 JGay: his project is an example of FS approach, where he could hand keys to user who then made dev wiki better #ocs08
  • 11:23 JGay: 3) community, the human element of project, 4) copyleft: "power greater than us" -- how you make it all legal #ocs08
  • 11:25 JGay: a "recursive public" creates not only a tool but a process that allows group to innovate and strive to "do it right" #ocs08
  • 11:27 Petrides: ISKME has been working 6 yrs in the area of info sharing, data use, transparency, etc #ocs08
  • 11:28 Petrides: Giving a driveby of Open Education movement. OE motivated by Open Source mvmt (Hewlett Fdn kickstarted OE with $$ yrs ago) #ocs08
  • 11:29 Petrides: an imperative for education, moving beyond ed as a static one-way exchange of info (teacher not just a delivery vehicle) #ocs08
  • 11:30 Petrides: must bridge formal and informal learning environments, moving beyond the classroom, knowing how we're connected w people. #ocs08
  • 11:32 Petrides: adding value thru continuous transformation of resources -- require alternative licensing and re-authoring platforms/models #ocs08
  • 11:34 Petrides: feedback loop of OER: sharing teaching strategies, commenting on experience, collaborating, training/mentoring #ocs08
  • 11:34 Petrides: Great recent example of adding to the knowledge base: Flickr adding Library of Congress' historical image collection #ocs08
  • 11:35 Petrides: Facilitationg scholarship: Public Library of Science's access to scholarly journals. Incorporating Geo data in content #ocs08
  • 11:37 Petrides: OER Commons has freely available educational materials that are easy to find ( #ocs08
  • 11:38 Petrides: Free High School Science Text -- online peer production of free math and science textbooks for South African classrooms. #ocs08
  • 11:40 Petrides: FHSST shows how you can go from grassroots effort to motivating Dept of Ed into action. #ocs08
  • 11:41 Petrides: Cape Town Declaration ( sets the goal of creating global access to the sum of all human knowledge #ocs08
  • 11:47 How does textbook industry interface with the OER project? in many strategic ways, & innovative publishers are incorporating OER work #ocs08
  • 11:48 Petrides: Community College students spend 75% of their education $$ on textbooks and many drop out due to these textbook costs #ocs08
  • 11:57 Happy to see my Urban Chickens blog featured on Christian Science Monitor's Bright Green blog:
  • 12:01 I'm failing to capture the commentary re: parallels/challenges in "free/open" approaches in other sectors. look to tag stream instead #ocs08
  • 14:28 After struggling mightily to get an IP address, I'm finally back online. now, to tweet from the 7th Annual Online Commty Summit. #ocs08
  • 14:29 Laurel Touby and Marty Collins talking about Building Value: Proven strategies for community growth and success #ocs08
  • 14:29 Touby: building community takes a long time, it's not an overnight thing. #ocs08
  • 14:33 Touby: has members of the community managing others in the community #ocs08
  • 14:34 Touby: know that you're building relationships that you'll eventually be able to get value from based on the work put in #ocs08
  • 14:37 Collins: manages the Windows community at Microsoft. Says MS is very good at community in the developer space. #ocs08
  • 14:38 Collins: wanted to start a consumer commty. consumer commty and dev commty can't use same tools. How to approach? via engagement mktg #ocs08
  • 14:39 Collins: The MS end action is a license, not a product (consumers don't see diff between Dell and Windows, is all in one to them) #ocs08
  • 14:42 Collins: Since end action is license, is hard to know how product is used. With engagment marketing plan, took 6mos to get ok and $$ #ocs08
  • 14:43 Collins: goal was to make community experience as simple as Amazon or in creating aggregation model of RSS feeds #ocs08
  • 14:43 Collins: didn't want to force others to have to publish in yet another place, leverage what they were already doing #ocs08
  • 14:44 Collins: looking how to roll out from Windows Live to and other consumer products. How do they play nice in same sandbox? #ocs08
  • 14:45 Boudy: What is diff between user group and community? #ocs08
  • 14:46 answers: 1) community is broader than user group. 2) simply diff terms of engagement. 3) UG is permeable subset of commty #ocs08
  • 14:50 Collins: MS exploring a crisp articulate dashboard. Nods of recognition in room about "sure, don't we all?" #ocs08
  • 14:52 health metrics/health index might measure activities you want them to do, frequency, recency, tenure, clicks, newsletter activity #ocs08
  • 14:55 #ocs08 attendees (in-person only), see the full list of "topics we each want to talk about" on the wiki:
  • 15:02 at MS: Help/Support group scored on how they help people resolve questions. (diff metric than Live commty) #ocs08
  • 15:03 MS has a portable identity with LiveID, would like to have a reputation/ratings system that ports from one commty to the next #ocs08
  • 15:09 @cshirky you mean you weren't asking me to drop you a line?
  • 15:11 @frandallfarmer must be a slow backchannel afternoon for #ocs08 to pop like it has
  • 15:17 Collins reminds us: community is NOT a cheap endeavor. Look to how you're lowering customer support model as a sign of success #ocs08
  • 15:24 Collins: the most powerful conversation about your product is between two consumers (pro/con) where your staff doesn't have to engage #ocs08
  • 16:06 trivia question: non-European country withhighest wine consumption per capita. Answer: Argentina #ocs08
  • 16:10 Alan Crosby (Sony) and Mario Anima (Current TV) talking about Entertainment: Lessons applicable to all communities. #ocs08
  • 16:10 Crosby: Sony Four words in strategy for community: engage, inform, educate entertain #ocs08
  • 16:12 Crosby: don't forget to use your newsletter as an entertainment opportunity with your community #ocs08
  • 16:14 Crosby: you HAVE to have an offtopic forum in your community, give em a place to talk about things having nothing to do with your co #ocs08
  • 16:18 Anima: Current TV lowered barrier to entry to for folks to influence content on site, most popular hourly crosses over to TV newscast #ocs08
  • 16:19 Anima: have created multiple tracks to allow community to participate in different ways on Current properties #ocs08
  • 16:19 Anima: Current TV tenet: online participation + television = participatory entertainment #ocs08
  • 16:24 Anima: caveat that "most popular" does NOT always equal "most interesting" (yes, there's a filter from .com to TV) #ocs08
  • 16:28 for those who care, it looks like is finally updating #ocs08
  • 16:43 Anima: talking about how to deal with complainers creatively and not just give them short shrift. they may turn hiighly productive #ocs08
  • 16:46 bummed wifi is gone. resorting to thumbled (thumb + fumbled) BB tweets #ocs08
  • 16:49 give space to allow user-gen entertainment to happen and participate in it. #ocs08
  • 16:50 btw, all my #ocs08 tweets are not a sign of OCD, thxbye ;)
  • 16:56 relieved to be back on wifi, thx @dwitzel for your wifi wizardry and the new base station, to boot. #ocs08
  • 16:58 what we (business-based community) have to figure out for employees is a unified culture with multiple voices, not a single voice #ocs08
  • 17:00 and this ends the highly structured part of the Summit for today. Next up: networking events. Look for social news report outs on #ocs08
  • 17:07 bummed to miss this evening's season opener for the Sharks. Glad my better half (@makriese) is going to be there to cheer them on
  • 19:31 all cleaned up from a great 5-mile run at dusk thru vineyards around town of Sonoma. now to dinner & networking
  • 20:42 sharks game is on in the bar, i can't see it from my seat tho :-(
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