Saturday, March 14, 2009

tweets o' the day

  • 10:16 @itchbay Wildflower temp is expected to be warm again: 90s+ and dry. doing a practice weekend there Apr 4-5 with SVTC. will report out after
  • 10:16 RT @DonorsChoose: An exciting new update: you can now publish your donation activity to Facebook!
  • 10:39 test driving HD cams: Flip has simple design and just works out of the box. Vado has too many buttons and requires a plug-in. FlipHD wins
  • 10:45 @nddulac but darts is a great excuse to drink beer and watch hockey (nice shootin' last night)
  • 14:41 Has anyone else had trouble getting their 2009 membership packet from @usatriathlon? It's almost mid-March and still waiting on my card
  • 15:33 Ah, Google Voice: the One Rule to Ring Them All!
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