Friday, March 27, 2009

tweets o' the day

  • 09:25 been invited to join America's Test Kitchen panels for testing grilling recipes and for low-fat recipes. Gonna have to pick one. hmmm
  • 09:46 RT @chasing: Finally posted my SXSW write-up: [great points for panelists, see para 6]
  • 10:33 good Q by @cshirky: "The internet is the largest group of people who care about reading and writing ever assembled in history — now what?"
  • 10:38 RT @mashable Social Media for Social Causes Study: The Results (via @tweetmeme)
  • 11:01 nice Working Wikily post: Data-visualization: seeing is believing. Includes link to 5 best visualizations of 2008
  • 11:09 @stereogab no submitting recipes to ATK, just testing ones they send out (to fine tune prior to getting published)
  • 11:10 @femmebot So wanting to go to SXSW next year. missed you and @lindare this year and last
  • 11:51 very comprehensive value network map of how news is made/distributed (via @identitywoman blog)
  • 11:52 And another value network map on the Emerging News Ecology (via @identitywoman) do you see yourself on the map?
  • 13:07 RT @digiphile: John Yemma, editor of CSM, on move to 24hr Web + weekly print #newspaper model:
  • 13:45 Wish I'd known of this crowdsource logo design site 3 months ago. Might use it to design an logo
  • 14:13 If you take charge of what info you'll share with the world, other people won't be able to control you w that info
  • 18:22 RT @eekim: Are you a fox or a hedgehog? [me: I'm a fox, per Berlin's definition]
  • 18:24 C'mon Sharks, wtf?
  • 18:46 heading out for our dart match. glad there will be hockey and NCAA on the big screens to help the time pass between games.
  • 23:44 can't believe I forgot my phone at home tonight. felt naked without it.
  • 00:07 a little more off-line work to do, then it's time for sleep.
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