- 05:43 awake early. triathlon starts in 3 .5 hrs. power bar for breakfast. wish me luck. tweet you on the other side!
- 12:19 my 1st triathlon done. yay!
- 12:46 will know my stats from the tri when they're posted tonight. was hot and sunny, but finished under 2 hrs (whew)
- 16:13 made it from sacramento (tri) to SFO (plane) on way to Santa Fe (conf). what a day and still 8 hrs to go
- 18:42 landed at LAX. here for 90 min before departing to ABQ. hope i can foind the Sharks game on TV here at the airport
- 20:45 in my seat on the flight bound for ABQ. hope the Sharks hold on to win while I'm in the air
- 21:28 #1 for take off from LAX. full engines. full stop. jheading back to gate. waiting for parking space. doesn't bode well
- 21:42 pulled up directly to the Unoted maintenance hangar... is this a good sign?
- 21:44 and the sharks lose 4-3. boo
- 21:47 door open. maintenance guy now in cockpit. do I hope he's in there a long time or short time?
- 21:49 good news: if they clear this plane, we go. if they fail this plane, another one is waiting for us to swap into
- 22:09 plane has been cleared to fly. now just "waiting on paperwork" (aren't we always?)
- 22:37 still no paperwork. sitting on tarmac. won't make it to ABQ before 1 am (plus hour drive to Santa Fe)
- 22:43 story has changed. pilot says now waiting on phone call for clearance. fuel truck on way "in case" to make sure we're topped off.
- 22:45 we're cleared for take-off. w00t! (holding breath til wheels up)
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