- 09:04 Anyone used a Philips VOIP841 Skype phone on an Airport wireless network? Thinking of getting one, but all it mentions is "PC" no "Mac"
- 11:42 @jerrymichalski twitterfox seems to work ok
- 11:55 if the lady's going to run a red light right in front of me and I have to slam on my brakes OF COURSE I'm going to honk. sheesh
- 14:24 so much to do, so little time
- 15:55 d*mn dog decided the new blueberry bushes are good chew toys. hope we can salvage the two plants most heavily damaged. grrr
- 17:15 our chickens are a year old today. Happy Birthday (Earth Day) to Sophia and ZsuZsu! snurl.com/25d65
- 19:29 @lopta nope, still in the same orange eglu. gave them two heaping scoops of scratch, tho
- 19:30 c'mon Sharks, let's win game 7 (they're up 1-0 in the first)
- 21:36 sharks are 45 sec from the 2nd round of playoffs. up 5-3
- 21:38 sharks win! 12 wins to the cup :)
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