Friday, April 25, 2008

tweets o' the day

  • 13:14 13 hours into Thursday, and this is my first tweet? busy morning (hoping my trip to Mexico is still a go)
  • 13:17 Will YOU participate in Shut Down Day on May 3? "only" 24 hours completely off-line.
  • 14:49 I realize half way thru this cookie it's a terrible waste of caloric intake. into the trash it goes. add another mile to the run in the AM
  • 15:26 watched someone eat an apple, a pile of sauerkraut and minnows (sardines) for lunch. eesh. to each his own, I guess
  • 15:34 @lopta LOL, he was a she and distinctly american :)
  • 20:06 happy to hit a 99 out to win my first game. (yes, it's dart night!)
  • 21:33 @grundy excellent post! now I've got some thinking to do
  • 21:57 @krob me!
  • 21:59 our team is up 9-2 with 6 games to play. time to increase our tie-breaking stats :)
  • 22:25 up 10-3 with 4 games to go. I went undefeated tonight. w00t!
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