Friday, February 27, 2009

tweets o' the day

  • 05:43 nice guide for the top ten ways to be hit by a car while on a bike (and how to avoid them). names of each are great
  • 06:25 heading out the door to SEA by way of SFO
  • 07:56 Safely aboard UA510 waiting for the doors to close
  • 10:25 landed at SEA-TAC. surprised to see so much snow on the ground here.
  • 10:46 RT @neddotcom: Helped buy 100 copies of "Three Cups of Tea" for 5th graders in New Jersey plz consider helping out
  • 10:47 @RocchiJulia congratulations, Julia!
  • 13:09 fish burrito from Tacos del Mar in Seattle/Lake Union = yum!
  • 13:14 i want all my stuff clean coal clean!
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