Saturday, February 28, 2009

tweets o' the day

  • 07:31 up and at 'em on the shores of Lake Union. Glad it didn't snow again last night!
  • 08:16 who thought losing weight could be as simple as eating fewer calories? maybe things aren't as hard as we try to make them out to be.
  • 13:43 beautiful blue skies in Seattle. Can't see SE from here, but I hope Rainier's presenting today (would be my first time seeing in 6 trips)
  • 14:44 headed to SEA on my way home to SFO.
  • 15:01 Wow. Mt Rainier is so majestic rising above the clouds. I want to climb it :)
  • 16:09 handy: search Bay Area zip codes to see who's 90 days behind in payment on their mortgage (there goes the 'hood?):
  • 18:57 Landed at SFO. Home within the hour (hooray)
  • 19:15 it's so easy at SFO to spot who's on their way to Las Vegas for the weekend. They're giddy with visions of fun times ahead
  • 20:39 it's good to be home. Gotta get a decent night's sleep before tomorrow's Woodside Half Marathon tho
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